Tools/Sites/Strategies for reviewing adverbs?

I guess this isn’t really “Bunpro”, but I wonder if anyone has found a decent game/SRS site for reviewing the millions of non-kanji adverbs that always nail me on the practice tests?

Anki or others can do SRS, of course, but that is just rote memorization.



Watch more anime?

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This is a great question. I have similar trouble remembering mimetic adverbs. I haven’t found a good resource for practicing these apart from flashcards (Anki). You do tend to encounter them more often in popular media, though. So as @jmadsen recommended, you can try watching anime, but I would also add reading manga and playing visual novels to that list as well. If you don’t like that kind of thing, watching popular TV shows or reading graded light novels might be good alternatives.

The downside is if you’re studying specifically for the JLPT, you’re probably going to encounter a lot of stuff you’ll never see on the test.

It’s not released yet, and it’s not specific to adverbs (though it does include them), but I recently found out about this decent-looking educational game: オノマトペや


thanks for the tip! I was looking at it briefly yesterday, it might do what I’m after

dig deeper this weekend