ともかぎらない 意味

Every time I try to look up info about this I get stuff regarding ~ないともかぎらない, which isn’t what this is. I believe this is saying that “We don’t know when help is coming”, but why is it ともかぎらない instead of とは? Is it because there’s a question word here, i.e. いつ? Is that to say that (question)ともかぎらない means “The conditions of A are not known/set”?


も here could likely mean either “in addition” or used as emphasis. I would translate it as “we don’t even know if/when help is coming” to show that they’re struggling or in a pickle.


a fellow fire emblem fan?

which game is your fav in the series?


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Jugdral series

also think this is for emphasis or depending on context the most common usage of も works as well here as in :

1st point of information given: “isnt that obvious?” (about whatever they discussed right before, i dont know this fire emblem entry)

2nd point" but we also dont know when help is gonna arrive*" or “(…) dont know when help is gonna arrive either

context would probably make it more obvious whats the right translation here. usually you can turn a lot of grammar constructs that have a は particle as part of their structure into the same structure but with も instead for emphasis/ using the grammar point + the additional “also” meaning of も。not always obviously but from my experience this often seems to kinda fit?

also this is purely my own guesswork, so my bad if i am off with my answer

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