
Just a quick question since i didnt find it with the searchbar and also didnt find any threads:

Isnt どうか also a common grammar point worth adding? Maybe its not technically a grammar point idk.


かどうか is a grammar point, what kind of context are you meaning?

どう is also in as a vocab word. Like 週末はどうだった? how was your weekend
I feel you would either このままではどう? or このままではどうですか? How is this?
I wouldn’t use か with out です for a question end.

Unless you are using it in かどうか like mbuck says.
かどうか is whether like
必要かどうか分からない ‐ don’t know whether I need it.
トイレがあるかどうか聞いてみてください。 Can you please try asking whether there is a toilet

Just for reference, I believe OP is talking about the adverb どうか which is used to strengthen a supplication or request (I.e., saying please)


yes, was basically this usage, got the feeling it meant something like “somehow” or along this line. Maybe its included somewhere else in bunpro idk. Thanks for your sharp sense.