Two Review types

I know this has been asked, but wanted to confirm the latest on this feature

I like to study both eng → japanese and japanese → eng. But this isnt a current option. However, with the new custom decks I was able to copy the n5 vocab deck and set the second copy to translate/manual input.

You basically will have the same vocab to get to burn twice instead of one, but it works.

Just wanted to confirm this is the only way to accomplish this at this time?


I don’t think that’s how it works? Because it’s the same vocab. The srs for the vocab will burn in either deck, only once. The decks work with each other. If you have a vocab in both decks, and review one of them, it counts as reviewed in both

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Ugh, got excited too qiickly. It did chamge the review style but it is now ignoring the second deck, so it isnt reviewing both ways. That is unfortunate.

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As IcyIceBear mentioned, that’s not how it works!
A Review can only be one thing at a time.

eng → japanese and japanese → eng

We have however been having internal discussions RE implementing this for Vocab.
So for something like 家、you would have:

  1. See house, enter いえ
  2. See , enter house (currently how Translate + Manual)

This is something I’ve been thinking about actually. I’d strongly be in favor of seeing this feature.

Back when I was using Anki, I’d customize my decks so I’d see the same word sometimes up to 3 times - English first, Kanji first, Hiragana first (if it’s word with Kanji in the first place). Definitely helps to retain the knowledge from different perspectives.

@veritas_nz , it would be awesome if there were an option for the system to automatically rotate through different review types, even if it’s just with the currently existing reading/fill in/etc options. Similar to how the system automatically shows different example sentences, it could automatically alternative the review format.


Good idea! :eyes:


What I’m dying for is listening comprehension questions included.
SRS has reading and typing, but no listening. You have this great listening resource in cram, which makes it so inconvient to use. I’m way better at reading than listening now.

In anki I put the cards which have an audio side in a different deck to do when I have headphones.

I agree with Curnan, the easiest way would be to treat them like different example sentences for the same grammar point.


Just wanted to say that I would also like to be able to mix review types for vocab :raised_hands: