You can skip this paragraph if you just want to read my question.
Half my time spent studying (as of now) focuses on listening and it’s really important that I’m making the most out of that time. Over my 100s of hours of listening to Japanese, I’ve zoned out countless times due to me not being able to understand what’s being said. Only in the last month did I finally find a technique to where I can focus the whole time even though a lot of information is still flying over my head. Despite knowing the amount of words I know, I just really struggle with hearing them - even words I know really well. What I finally realized though, is that sentences ordered the same way you’d find them in English I understand perfectly (given that I know every word/grammar being used). At first I just thought they were super easy to understand because I thought they had easy vocab/grammar and were just common phrases, but that I know now that isn’t the case.
My question is if anyone has any tips/advice for being able to improve comprehension of sentences ordered just completely different from how you’d see it in English.
Example: そんなに堂々と 言うことじゃないね
Rough translation: I don’t think that’s something you say so boldly.
If I were watching something with full focus and I heard this sentence, this is how I’d most likely hear it:
Even though I know all the words in this sentence, If I came across that while immersing I’d most likely just hear it like that and I’d have zero clue what’s being said. However, if I’m just reading I can read that sentence and make sense of it - but it still takes me some time to understand what it’s saying because I have to reorder all the words in my head. If the sentence is even longer, well, my brain just doesn’t like that.
Anyways, if anyone has any advice I’d really appreciate it, or if what I’m doing below is enough.
Also, I have a lot of time to put towards Japanese, so whatever advice you may have, time isn’t really an issue.
What I’m doing currently to try and improve:
When doing Bunpro I read the whole sentence and make sure I understand it and recognize the order everything is in. Also, I learn most of my vocab from audio sentence cards - so only audio on front (1N sentence) and as long as I understand the whole sentence then I pass the card. The sentences I use are fairly short, like the one I showed in the example sentence, because if it’s much longer than that then it takes me like 20-30 replays and then I’d be stuck in Anki for ages. But maybe it’d be more beneficial to practice with listening to longer sentences? Rather than hoping it starts clicking while I listen to native content? I’m not sure.