Update - N3 Vocab Cloze August/24/2023

Hello everyone!

I hope you’re all doing well!

Today I’d like to take a moment to announce a big update that has been in the works for a while now. N3 vocab cloze!

We’ve just finished updating all of the N3 vocabulary to be compatible with our cloze, fill-in-the-blank style of study questions!
This will be especially useful for those looking to supplement their studies or expand their knowledge of vocabulary through a more challenging approach than the typical flashcard style.

These Japanese example sentences were written by the amazing native Japanese speakers here at Bunpro, so you can expect to see many useful, natural, and interesting uses of the various words and phrases.

These examples can be viewed by navigating to the Examples tab located to the right of the Details tab on any vocabulary’s landing page.

Just like with the N5 and N4 vocabulary before it, selection of cloze style sentence reviews will trigger a review style that involves filling in the missing part of a sentence by using the provided information (the surrounding sentence) as context clues.

N3 announce2

Naturally, we will aim to have the Japanese and English hints available for N3 vocabulary as soon as possible, so that tackling this style of question becomes easier, and offers an extra opportunity to practice reading Japanese.

In regard to English fill-in-the-blank style questions, as more and more vocabulary becomes available for study through Bunpro, many of you will notice that while there is always one ‘correct’ answer, due to the nature of vocabulary itself, there will be many cases where alternative vocabulary could also work. In these cases you can use our ‘Add Synonym’ feature. This can be done by clicking on the edit button, typing in the synonym you wish to add, then lastly clicking ‘save changes’.

This will be especially helpful for words and phrases that may have slight variations like ‘lots’ and ‘heaps’, where either may be perfectly acceptable in the sentence. You can even use it if you’d like to add your own abbreviations for common expressions such as ‘Inc’ instead of ‘Incorporated’. At this stage, only English synonyms may be added, but we may add this feature for Japanese cloze in the future.

We will be moving forward on to the N2 vocabulary translations next, with the implementation of cloze coming shortly thereafter, so please look forward to that as well!

As always thank you all for your continued support and feedback and we hope to continue to help you all move forward in your language learning journeys.


Typing Katakana words is not working for me.


Tried it out this morning and loving it so far! Thank you for the update :blush:

Looking forward to the N2 translations and cloze support!


Thank you very much to everyone working on these amazing regular updates :slightly_smiling_face:
Keep up the great work! :+1:


Hi, welcome to the forum!

Looks like this is a bug, and we’re working to fix this as quickly as possible.


I think this should be fixed now. Was a slight oversight on my part :sweat:


Thanks! It’s working now :blush:


Amazing, thanks team!
Just started N3 vocab recently on normal recall, but cloze is so much better for learning and practice.


I am suddenly experiencing a few issues with Vocab
Although none of my vocab is n3 yet
I have submitted bug reports on them

One was pretty simple, if you insert an incorrect answer and you attempt to press enter
it would not clear or move on. I had to manually click undo

Other issue was uhh I’m not sure. It said the point, and the definition (although the definition took a second to show up) and the input was converting to kana. Then when I pushed enter (to see what would happen) it just had an unlimited amount of like hint bubbles that did nothing. Very odd


Full of appreciation for you all, you’re amazing! Looking forward to testing it out :smiley:


Anyway I can convert all the N3 sentences to cloze all in one go?


Here, in the N3 vocab deck settings.

Same for me, just stumbled upon that yesterday, but only for the last item in the review session. Here’s my bug report.


Here’s my terribly drawn guide :sweat_smile:
1: Click on decks
2: Open the deck you want to apply the settings to
3: Click on deck settings in the top right
4: Click on Fill in/Manual Answer
5: Click on change all to fill in at the bottom.

Caution - If you have already studied 50 items as flashcard, they will stay as flashcard. To convert all previously studied items to the new style, you need to click on the purple button (or whatever color it is in your theme).

@HotAirGun @Superpnut the team have been informed about this issue and it is a priority fix that we are working on right now. Sorry for the interruption to your reviews!


Thank you! I didn’t like the vocab srs at all…but with the fill in the blank sentences I might give it a try again. ありがとうございました


Hype!! I’ve been kind of holding off on N3 vocab since I knew this was imminent. Now it’s full steam ahead! Thanks!


This is very helpful. Do you know when you will add the audio for N3? Thanks for all the good work you put in!

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This is so important to me, as Vocab is my biggest enemy in Japanese and I moved to Bunpro in the first place, because Anki flashcards have never worked for me, as I experience a condition known as selective proper name anomia. Cloze makes ALL the difference for me. Thank you.


As the quality check of N3 has been completed, we will be able to add this pretty much whenever. I will see that it gets done :bowing_man:

We are super happy to hear that this method of review works we ll for you! I had a quick read up about the condition you mentioned. I can see how the cloze style would definitely be very helpful for it! :flushed:


Thank you

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