Hello everyone!
Today I’m happy to announce the addition of many alternate answers for the N5 and N4 vocabulary study questions!
Over the past couple of months, I’ve been going through some data which includes many of the answers that users have attempted and picked out those that should be providing a hint, rather than being marked wrong.
Although not exhaustive, this should provide everyone with a more directed nudge towards the correct answer for a study question when they were close. Some examples are:
In a study question like this one for the vocabulary ダンス, many users guessed the word 踊り (おどり). Before, this would be marked incorrect, but now it will instead prompt a hint that will helpfully nudge the user towards the word ダンス instead.
In this study question we noticed that many users would use the more polite word お酒 (おさけ), so now it will prompt the user to use the less polite version of the word dropping the honorific お.
Unlike grammar, these hints are not designed to show which word is more natural, just which word is being asked for as a part of the SRS. It is possible that there may be many natural word choices on a sentence by sentence basis.
In addition to adding alternate answers, we’ve also added the unconjugated version of most verbs to be accepted answers as well! This means that for a question that uses a conjugated version of a verb, you can now enter either the conjugated or unconjugated form. For example:
In this study question, because the てくれました is already included, the correct response would have been ほめ. With this update you can now enter either ほめ or ほめる. Although ほめる would not be grammatically correct in this sentece, being that vocabulary practice is more about the word than the grammar, we feel that the full word should always be accepted.
Ah, right!
In case you were wondering who the heck I am, I’m Keaka, and I’ve been a content lead on the sly since December of last year. A few of you may know me from answering lots of feedback that gets directed internally, or if you’ve taken a look at the About Us page on Bunpro.
I hope you all enjoy the update and look forward to more of them in the future! I will be continuing this work for N3, in addition to working on a few other projects. Thank you all for your support as always!