Using Bunpro correctly


I am unsure if I am using Bunpro correctly, are you meant to use the info button or just click answer when you get it wrong?

Also I have set it to 3 points a day, is that 3 different bits of grammar or 3 “sections” with the quiz after? (If that makes any sense)

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for your first question, you could really do either. If you see the correct answer and understand why it is correct, then you could move on without using the info. If you dont understand why the correct answer is what it is, then you should probably use the info button.

for your second question. The 3 points a day refers to 3 bits of grammar. The “sections” are just collections of grammar points. You are expected to do 1 section with the quiz per day (but you can do more or less if you want). So if you want to learn 3 points a day, just learn the 3 bits then take the quiz. After that, you are done learning new content for the day.

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It’s up to you how you use Bunpro - use it in the best way that works for you :slight_smile:

Perhaps it might take a few days to figure out where your limits are for how much grammar you can take in one day etc. but so long as you keep going but without getting overwhelmed, that’s the main thing!


Thanks for the responses! The main thing I was wondering about the info thing is it seems to just give me 100% for the answer every time and I wasn’t sure if that would be messing up the SRS

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Oh, you’re erasing your answer and type it over? If it behaves the way the typos plugin in WK does, it will affect the SRS, but I don’t know if it does for sure. Out of caution, whenever I know that it wasn’t just a typo but a wrong answer, I press “next” after reading the info.


VERY appropriate topic for me, except in my case I don’t know how to use/understand BP’s features. For example:

  1. Forecast might show 6 ‘Grammar’ items with 3 ‘New Reviews.’ I’ll click on ‘Review,’ do the three reviews and I’m done! So what is there to do with the 6 Grammar items? Nothing happens, nothing for me to do??? Hmmm, is it trying to prod me into doing 6 Grammar Points???

  2. I read the FAQ on ‘Cram’ and I did about 5 items over three different cram sessions. But when I reviewed my cram ‘STATS’ under ‘Profile’ all it says ‘Session Count 5’. Zero stats for ‘Crammed Items’ (Total, Correct, Incorrect, Accuracy).

  3. Lastly, for Cram, it states, ‘Duplicated Grammar will only count once.’ Not sure what this means. Does it mean if I select the same grammar point three times during the course of a day, i.e., do one in the morning, one at noon, and one the evening, then all three sessions will only count as one?

I cant speak for questions 2 and 3, as i dont use the cram feature, but i can try and answer question 1. see the image below

There are 2 main features of bunpro:

  1. The ability to add new grammar points by learning them (buttons to do this circled in blue)
  2. The ability to review the grammar points you have already learned (buttons to do this circled in red)

You can add (learn) as many or as few new grammar points as you want. In my case, I have it set to add grammar points in batches of 5, so thats what the 5 means. If i choose to learn grammar points, I will be shown 5 grammar points, then a quiz, then they will be added and I will review them in the future. I can repeat this process as many times as I want in a day. You can do this using the buttons circled in blue

The buttons circled in red allow you to review older grammar points you already have removed. The SRS algorithm decides when your reviews become available (based on when you are most likely to need them). As such, once you finish your reviews, you are all caught up and there is no more reviewing to be done. You could choose to add new grammar, but thats up to you as Bunpro is self paced.

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If at the end of the review session, you are seeing that you answered with 100% accuracy, even if you make mistakes, you are using bunpro incorrectly. If you truly got an answer incorrect (not just a typo), you can look at the correct solutions and/or reread the grammar lesson, but you should not fix and resubmit the question with the correct answer. That will mess up the SRS algorithm as it tricks it into thinking you got the question correct. You should just proceed by hitting enter after you review why you missed the question. You will be given the opportunity to correct your answer at the end of the review session

This means that if you add all of N5 at the same time but then under Paths you also add Genki I, it’s not going to show you things like だ、です、etc. twice. The ‘items to Cram’ number at the top does change to indicate this, but we wanted to err on the safe side.

The Profile > Stats feature doesn’t seem to be working properly for Cram at the moment, I’ll double check with the team later. If you’re looking for a more in-depth summary of your recent Cram sessions (rather than just percentiles) then the Summary page is probably the better fit for you.

Cram is going to have a pretty extensive overhaul in the coming months, so a lot of the confusion that may occur now will be taken care of then. Fingers crossed.


Thanks for your response!

It seems I wasn’t clear in what my problem is. I already do all what you said, i.e., I click on the ‘red’ to do my reviews and I click on the ‘blue’ to learn my grammar points.

I’ll use your screenshot to try to clear up what my problem is. So Tomorrow you got 13 Grammar points (lessons) and on Friday you got 20 Grammar points (lessons). Let’s say that for Tomorrow you also have 6 Reviews and on Friday you have 12 Reviews.

So ‘Tomorrow’ you click on ‘Red’ to clear your 6 Reviews. But what about your 13 Grammar lessons? If you click on ‘Blue’ you will only get 5 Grammar lessons but you’ve got 13 scheduled. You can click on ‘Blue’ again to clear another 5 Grammar lessons. So now you have 10 of 13 cleared. If you click on ‘Blue’ again, now you’ve got 15 Grammar lessons done, but only 13 were scheduled.

Oh my…I think the light just came on in my head! The third time you click on ‘Blue’ will only give you 3 Grammar lessons even though you set your batch number to 5, thus clearing the 13 Grammar lessons!

In other words, all those Grammar lessons scheduled for you (13, 20, 22, 27, 13, 21) are just BP’s recommendations for doing Grammar lessons! But you are free to do as little as you want (even skip days), do exactly what BP scheduled for you, or even do more than what BP scheduled for you. I assume once you fulfill that 13 Grammar lessons, then if you click on ‘Blue’ again you will get an additional 5 lessons and so on, ne?

And if this is correct, then how does BP come with the number of Grammar reviews for us to do? The SRS timing for our reviews is based on a mathematical construct based on research data. What mechanism do they use to determine how many grammar reviews we should do and how often? If my new understanding is correct, then this looks more like ‘BP’ magic than any mathematical analysis.

Thanks for your response :slight_smile:

As far as ‘duplicate grammar…’ goes, got it. Thanks!

As for Cram Stats, working on it…Great. Thanks! But my Summary page only shows my Reviews. Nothing for Cram :frowning:


“Learn” button is to introduce you to grammar. You can set that number to whatever you want. After you finish that batch it’ll quiz you at the end. You can also click “learn” as many times as you want. At the end of the learn batch quiz, cards you did will be scheduled for “review”. Come back later and the “review” button will have grammar points you’ve already previously “learned”. The review timings depend on how well you do in said reviews for each grammar point

The forecast graph shows you how many reviews are due on a given day

Under Cram at the top of the page you’ll see that ‘Summary’ button, that’s the one that takes you to the Cram version rather than your Review summary. This should show you only things related to Cram. (This page will be getting upgraded in the future as well, but it serves it’s purpose for now!)

Lemme know if you have any troubles with it, happy to help out~ :v:t2:

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Got it :slight_smile: sort of…

Today was the first time I tried the Cram feature. I used it four times today with the following number of grammar points: 1, 1, 3, 1 for a total of six grammar points.

But the Cram summary ONLY shows the results of the last session, not for the whole day. Is this the way it supposed to work?

Yeah it’ll show you your results of the past 3 or so most recent sessions you’ve done, not for the whole day. That’s something we’re probably going to work on/figure out in the next update for Cram, but for now the 3 that do show should bridge the gap pretty decently assuming you aren’t just doing 1 GP per session a hundred times in a row :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


In my case, the summary ONLY shows the last session, NOT the past 3 or so. See below:

When I went into the Summary it ONLY showed the last Cram that I did. While there I saw that I had one unfinished Cram so I did it. When I went back to Summary ONLY that last cram session was shown, again.

Hopefully this will be fixed in the next update. But thanks for clearing this up for me, I just wanted to know/understand how these features worked!

Ahhhh sorry I see where the confusion stems from, I was actually slightly wrong on some information previously. Sometimes hard to remember specifics off the top of my head~

The summary page will show the last 6 Cram selections you’ve attempted. When it says ‘Session’ it’s really meaning the selection you just attempted. So for example if you wanted to Cram N5 L1 and you went in and out doing one at a time, that’s still one selection overall so you’d only see one item in the summary. If you attempted N5 L1, N5 L2, N5 L3, N5 L4 then your summary screen would show 4 and it would be sorted by most recent.

We felt it made the most sense to keep it as a whole rather than show each attempt individually to help keep things neat and tidy to see what you got correct, incorrect, etc.

All of that said, in your previous post when you said you used it 4x do you mean you loaded up 6 total items in the Selection and then used Cram on this Selection 4 different times in one day? If that’s the case, then everything is working as intended as described above. I just tested Cram right now in a bunch of ways and it all seems to be working as intended for Summary so if there’s something that’s tripping you up still we can discuss further, just send me a private message and we’ll sort it out! :man_cartwheeling:t2:

(tbh the more i think about it, more it may just make sense to change the wording in Cram Summary of ‘This Session’ and ‘Continue Session’ to a different word as the session doesn’t operate the same way reviews’ does. it shall be pondered on later :face_with_monocle:)

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I’ll weigh in with my two yen’s worth:

Honestly, for me, I just cram. I mean, I just use the cram function. I keep track of what levels I work on, so I can be sure to spread myself around. Usually I take one, like today it was N3, level 1. I set the cram multiplier to “3” then I had 66 reviews to do. I learned english basically the same way. I just need to see it over and over and over again.

I haven’t found the Bunpro algorithm to be as effective for me as the Wanikani one.

I still love Bubpro and have a lifetime membership. I just need to cram a lot. :slight_smile:

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