Using learn queue defaults review style to "fill in"

I set my review style default to “reading” and updated all of the lessons to match so that it would use the “reading” review from that point on, but when I use the Learn Queue to study my daily quota of lessons, the first sentence always reverts to “fill in”. After that it seems to use “reading” for the rest of the review sentences, but the first of each lesson uses “fill in” every time. I almost always fail them and then they become ghosts that clog up the review. I’ve worked around it by not using the Learn Queue, and instead just using the Grammar tab to find the next lessons.

Am I the only one, or is this a bug? I’d like to be able to use the Learn Queue to make it easier to do my lessons.

You may have to change that in your deck too, since your settings there overwrite your general review settings from your profile.

Go do decks → click into your current deck → Click on the settings cog

Change the setting in the popup via the drop-down-menu

In your case, the very last button might be helpful too:

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@MurasakiChou hit the nail on the head.

I checked your account and your Deck Settings were incorrect.
You can also change it through the Dashboard, with a slightly better UI:

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Awesome, thanks for the rapid support, both of you! I updated the deck and applied the setting. I’ll let you know if it’s still messed up!