Using oops

hello I wanted to ask some advise with using the oops button.

I notised I’ve been using the oops butten quite frequetly.

There are diffrent causes for it:

  1. not using the right conjugation but the reight form. exp. 食べって instead of 食べて
  2. using the casual/polite form when the opposite is asked
    3.missing the negation (only when nagation is not subject of the review)
    4 using past/present instead of the opposite (only when subject of review can be uses in both)

Those mistakes are like 80% of the mistaked I make. And I wonder if I should stop using oops and accept the ghosts? Most of the time I got the grammar point in question right but because af my lack of concentration (I assume) i don’t notices the nuances right away.

What are your experiences with oops? How do you use it?


If you don’t want to get rid of those mistakes then you can keep on using oops button. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I personally use it for typos only.


Personally, I grade myself fairly harshly, because ideally, I want to be able to get these things right on the first try. I don’t get an “oops” button when I’m speaking the language, and any little inaccuracies I make will be distracting at best, or not understandable at worst.

I’d rather hammer those kinks out here instead, so I mark myself wrong pretty generously :upside_down_face:


My “rule” is if I know the grammar point that is being taught and I simply conjugate wrong or something small I use “oops”. If its the wrong grammar point or I miss some other big factors I let SRS do its thing and let is stay wrong. I don’t feel bad though because I use other tools specifically for conjugation, etc so my main point is the different grammar points.

And also since WaniKani doesn’t have an “oops” and I get so many wrong for simple typos that its my saving grace I can use it here! :stuck_out_tongue:


Wanikani has a script for that (but damn it’s hard not to use it too much)