Vacation mode - the eternal bug

Welcome to the forums! :tada:
Sorry for the confusion + inconvenience.

Looks like you reset your account halfway through the Vacation? I see no Reviews on your account!

Should be fixed on your account now!


It’s fixed !
Thank you for your quick response ! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Hello, I am pretty sure I have the same problem, I have come back to Bunpro after a while, so it might be related to that.

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Just fixed it on your account!

Sorry for the inconvenience, and have a great day!

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FYI a massive overhaul has been made to how the “unfreezing” process happens for Vacation Mode.
It now gives you feedback about how far through the process is, and also has slightly clearer wording.


Thank you, I really appreciate it!

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Just wanted to follow up on this. Appreciate the overhaul, but still seems a bit buggy/unreliable. I tried disabling vacation mode this morning and it has been stuck at 66.4% now for about 20 minutes despite the estimated time being 3:09. The elapsed time also doesn’t seem to be working.