よう + Verb -> does it make sense?

This sentence :


has been translated in the Bunpro N5 Vocab deck (人) as :

I educate my son to immediately give up his seat when he sees a disabled person on the train.

I am not so sure about this but it feels like the last part of the sentence is wrong. I feel like you shouln’t say 座席を譲るよう教育しています, but more something like 座席を譲るよう教育しています or 座席を譲るよう教育しています, I don’t really know… I am missing something ? Can someone explain to me why there is no connector between よう and the verb ?

I don’t really know how to explain it in super depth, but essentially this is still correct and is a more literary way of modifying the noun with よう. ように is still grammatically correct and is more natural in commonly spoken Japanese, so when you do output you should probably stick to what you already know.

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It might be a typo, but it isn’t grammatically incorrect. From what I understand it is usually seen more in formal or literary sentences. I think this happens because よう itself already expresses the idea of an instruction or directive.

I’ve mostly seen it with verbs that have this nuance of expressing instruction like 教育する (teach/educate), 指導する (guide/instruct) , and 命じる (order/command).

As for using ような it would kinda change the meaning to “an education that is like giving up your seat to disabled people” which doesn’t exactly make sense. Whereas ように expresses the father educated the child in a way as to make them give up their seat.

Like @deceir said though, it’s probably better to stick to the ように variant since that is what is most commonly seen in most spoken situations.

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Also feel like when you use ような like this it ought to be ような教育をしています

It’s correct whether you include or omit the に, I don’t know if there’s a logical explanation for this, but you will see it both ways in the real world.

Using would not be correct.