Vocab decks - how do you handle words that is usually in Kana?

Example: Owl - ふくろう or フクロウ.

There is no Bunpro vocab entry for ふくろう.
Instead, we have 梟.

So, are we forced to learn the Kanji?

Not sure what you mean but in my case I use the fill in mode, so you input the word as ふくろう regardless of the kanji. Therefore you do not have to learn the kanji, especially if you leave the furigana on for when it shows up in other phrases.

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yeah i get what you mean. I ran across this when I started making decks, that exact word actually :joy: HP perhaps?

I decided it doesnt bother me. It might be usually in kana, but being able to recognize the kanji cant hurt. That way no matter what form it takes, youll still know what it is.

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