Wanikani Deck available only at reset?

I made a mistake and synced a wanikani Deck when I was level 20. I have about 2000 reviews now. I also found out remembering from reading and remembering the opposite way are 2 different things and require more work. Bunpro also makes you learn their multiple meanings better. If I reset the deck, I fear Ill lose a lot of words I already built up. Ive been using the decks to do reviews from there and it works, but I feel I would like to have a wanikani Deck available from a review button.

I know wanikani has a deck that can be reset, but doesn:t show up under decks. Is is possible to have a deck show up for people with a working wanikani API? That way all that portion of the vocab can be worked on seperately

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Having them in a Deck is a great idea!
Or at least some way to filter/study only them.


I would love this too! I know that the Wanikani deck is available from the Reset button. It would be great to have it available under Decks to study and review!

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I’m hoping to add my WK to a separate deck too! My main focus is following Genki 1 since I’ll have an actual in-person class starting soon that will use it, but since I’m also at Level 3 WK I’d love to be able to review it independently within Bunpro without derailing my Genki 1 progress.

ETA: Just saw the Beta / Community decks option to add the WaraKani deck…is there any way to sync my WK progress only with that single deck vs across my entire mastery schedule, or at least keep the reviews for it separate from my Genki 1 combo deck? If anyone can point me to info on that it would be much appreciated!

Fingers crossed!

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Nope. The vocab reviews are universal. Study them in one deck, study them in all.
Don’t see how it would derail you though

You can review decks individually from your decks page, reviewing only from a chosen deck. If a vocab is in both decks, it’ll still be marked as reviewed in both, but you won’t review words not in the deck you chose review from.

Unless you were to only use the wara deck during cram? You can add it to your learning decks (even if you don’t learn anything from it) to make it easier to choose during cram. Cramming it won’t add anything to your reviews or affect your srs levels, but youll get practice and exposure

I don’t use wk but at level 3 there shouldn’t be much vocab either way and certainly not enough to derail you right?


Thanks for the reply!
Well, my brain is slow (I’m older, lol) and even learning Japanese at all feels like a pretty huge undertaking, so maybe you’d be surprised by what it takes for me to feel overwhelmed.
So if I did decide to use my WK API and add the wara deck I could still study it independently of my Genki deck for now by going through the learning deck page vs the dashboard review page? I know mastery levels are site-wide, so would that mean that when I got to WK items in my Genki deck they’d already have some mastery level attached?

Appreciate your assistance!

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Right. If you go through the decks page, decks in your learning queue,decks you make, and decks you’ve bookmarked can all be reviewed from individually should you choose to focus on one deck. (The dashboard review will send you through all vocab from every deck that is due.)
Clicking this review button will only have you review items in that deck

Also yes. If you learned “cat”, the word “cat” will have progress attached across all decks. Progress is given to the vocab itself, and the decks are just a collective grouping of vocab.

Say you learn “cat” in wk deck (or have it added to reviews from api) and it has an srs 4 status from previous review sessions in wk deck. You won’t be introduced “cat” in the genki deck through the learn button because it isn’t new for you, but it’ll have a progress attached to it. And if you’re reviewing in the genki deck, it will come up at the srs 4 interval


Yeah, that’s kind of my concern…I want to be (re-)introduced to the vocabulary as I’m meant to be learning it in Genki so I know what I’m expected to cover alongside my class for that chapter in Genki. Ah well, maybe I’ll wait to sync my WK until I’m further along in Genki!

thanks again :slight_smile:

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