WaniKani - Kanji meaning/furigana?

Does anyone know of any scripts and/or ways to hide not only the furigana of kanji you’ve learned through WaniKani but also the meanings in the translated sentences? I have it set to not show any translation right now, but I’d like an option to hide everything but the kanji I don’t know so I can keep testing myself on vocabulary as much as I can. The furigana hidden is good for right now because it forces me to remember the reading but this would be a nice bonus! :grin:

Also, more for the Bunpro team, are you planning on rolling out WaniKani API v2 compatibility? Becuase API v1 is going to be discontinued in September and I don’t wanna miss out. :cry::cry:

They do plan to do that. I don’t think they’ve said when the change will happen. But I hope (and assume) it will happen before September.