Wanikani vocab resync?

I synced my Wanikani vocab back when vocab first came out, but I think it was just N5 vocab and I was a lower WK level, so I’m trying to resync. It’s been about an hour and nothing has happened. I checked the vocab decks but the WK vocab I know isn’t updating to be mastered, and my level isn’t going up either, so it seems nothing is happening. Is it normal to take this long or is it a bug?

It’s still showing the loading indicator btw


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Same here, error status 503. Maybe it’s related to the recent Wanikani major update?

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I don’t think so, I actually tried this earlier too (before the update) and it didn’t work then either. And from what I know the parts that were updated didn’t affect the API. But I could be wrong

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I’ve also been observing the same error for a while no matter which browser or PC I log in from. Does anyone have a solution or can someone from Bunpro look into this?