Weekly Log of an Izakaya Favorite

Hello! I’ve been studying Japanese for about 4-5 years now, with college courses, a year in Tokyo, and many hours sunk into WaniKani as all parts of my progress.

Part of leaving college has been loosing a lot of that steady routine that is essential for language learning, and combined with the fact that my Japanese understanding has never been the most well-rounded (what’s grammar? not kanji - don’t care) I’ve found myself in a weird funk of not knowing where to go to improve. I want this study log to work as a way to organize my thoughts and efforts and help me track down where I’m spending my time while I study.

I’ve officially decided to test myself with the N3, and have my eyes set on the N1 in a year or two, so I’m using those as benchmarks for my goals.


  1. Reading
    Perhaps my most neglected skill, outside of menus, train station posters, and shopping tags, I’ve never pushed myself to use Japanese in longer contexts. My speed is pitifully slow, and my ability to remember any grammar has been stunted by all my reading being essentially “苺: ¥500”
    My goal for myself is to read alongside some of the bookclubs both here and on the WaniKani form. I’m attempting the intermediate clubs (non-participatory in the forms, but I am chugging along with FMA and 君の名は, I promise!) I also participate in the weekly Renshuu discord reading challenges, which are great because they’ve so far been self-contained stories/passages I can finish relatively quickly and feel proud. Will track what I read in future logs.

  2. Vocabulary
    I have fooled myself on vocabulary. I love kanji, so it was easy to trick myself into thinking I know words because I know pictures. I do not know words. At least, I don’t know how to use them myself. I want to go through all the words in the Bunpro decks with example sentences, starting from N5 (even if I’m trying to pass the N3) because I want to see these words in context. Hopefully, supplemented with reading, I can figure out what words are.
    I’m still figuring out exactly how to track words learned, but hopefully I come up with a system before log 1.

  3. Listening
    This is so easy I watch so much anime.

    Just kidding! Kind of - I want to switch over to English subtitle-less media. I made another thread about natural Japanese Youtube channels that aren’t focused on language learning to watch - spending time in Japan has made me comfortable with the uncertainty of conversation and listening a lot more than it did for reading. I want to track minutes of English-subtitle-less media watched, since right now I think I’m facing an issue of quanity of input.

  4. Grammar
    This is a grammar site! Tracking is just what grammar I do on Bunpro. I’m not marking anything as ‘mastered’ even if I know it, because sometimes I don’t actually know it when it comes time to reproduce it. While I love completing things and would love to ‘win’ at Bunpro, that’s only a means to an end at ‘winning’ Japanese. I’m already almost done with N5 on here, and have some headway into the N4 and N3 sections. By December, I want to be finished with N3. If I finish ahead of schedule, I may pause on any new points at that time to review for the exam and explore other resources.

At this time, I’m not tracking output as that’s not tested on the exam, but I will be searching for ways where I can output and cement my study more cleanly.

As a quick goal reference:

  • Complete all N5-N3 Grammar by December
  • Complete most N5-N3 vocab by December
  • Finish a book or 3 (by, guess what, December)
  • Steadily increase my pure Japanese listening input
  • Pass the N3 this Winter (Hopefully by a large margin)

Now, all that’s left is starting Week 1 of tracking and getting down to business! 頑張りましょう!


Sounds like a great plan! Good luck with your goals! I look forward to seeing your progress! 一緒に頑張りましょうね。

PS. Is that a Kumatora avatar?

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You sound very similar in level to me right now! In addition to the anime you already watch, I would definitely recommend finding a podcast on a topic you’re interested in. It gives a different kind of listening when you can’t see them speaking (assuming you’re not watching a podcast on Youtube).


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Yes! Mother 3 is one of my top games of all time.

I know this is something I should do eventually, but I just haven’t been able to bring myself to enjoy podcasts in general. It definitely would be helpful though… I just need to find one I like…


It’s been a week! Update time ~

I started through ハピネス (Happiness) with the old WaniKani Absolute Beginner book club logs. I’m through the first 3 volumes, and it’s definitely a pretty easy read. It’s nice to start with something pretty achievable and just get used to reading manga in Japanese. I’m still behind on FMA and 君の名は, but I wanted a win for myself reading-wise haha!

This week I’ve been steadily adding bunpro vocab to my reviews. Nothing too major on that front, but I am finding a lot of simple N5 words/phrases that I just don’t have down like I’d expect myself too. Definitely need more concentrated work here…

I started watching Yuru Camp with Japanese subtitles - watched 2 episodes this week. I also watched about 15 minutes of a video talking about Japanese coffee shops and architecture - didn’t understand a ton but I love looking at pretty buildings and thinking about coffee so not too bad of time spent!
New position at work gives me time to listen to vlogs… maybe it’s time to push through and actually commit to one…


  • N5: 126/126 - Everything has been learned as of this morning! :partying_face:
  • N4: 41/177 - Starting regularly scheduled reviews
  • N3: 52/219 - Everything is on hold until I get caught up with N4.
    Big win this week for me on grammar, as I finished all the N5 material on this sight! I think the biggest thing holding me back right now is I’m not great with て forms of verbs - I mess up the conjugation on grammar that uses it. I think I need to study that conjugation in isolation and just drill it until the rules stick in my head. (For someone who’s been studying for 4-5 years, it’s a bit embarrassing I’m messing up on a very essential and common conjugation…)

Last bit of this log is my Izakaya-type food of the week (got to give the name some meaning.) This week, I learned that making shishito peppers at home is incredibly easy! Just coat the peppers in a bit of olive oil, place them on a hot pan for 8-10 minutes, then dust with salt and lemon juice and bam! Delicious shishito peppers that are just like the ones you get an Izakaya (maybe… tbh I didn’t eat them as much in Japan as I do back Stateside!)

That’s all until next week! Back to studying!


One of the best! Love the icon!

I don’t know if it’s any consolation, but I’ve been studying for about 2 years and I still struggle with it. Matter of fact, I’ve restarted my Bunpro journey at least once because I realized I was getting too far ahead and drowning in ghosts but not actually retaining it.

One thing that has sort of helped me is the て song. There are a couple videos on YouTube that cover it but it’s helped to cram that in my head and then try to recall it when I try to properly conjugate.

Anyway, just wanted to say sounds like you’re making amazing progress and you’re not alone!



Gamers out there might be aware that this weekend was PAX West! For those who don’t know, PAX West is a 4 day Convention celebrating and showcasing games! I was working there, so my progress this week was a bit… stunted… to say the least. Alas, review time!

This week, I read a lot more oneshots as part of the Renshuu Weekly Reading Club on their Discord. Struggled a bit with some of the harder, no furigana choices like 666番目の死神 and 風の音を響かせて but I made it through!

When reading, I usually just try to get through it and only look up things that greatly hinder understanding - if I can guess, I move on! Curious how others approach reading, because I know people who look up everything and some who just want as much input as fast as possible. Made a little poll to satisfy my curiosity!

How do you approach reading Japanese Most Often
  • Speedread all the way!
  • Slow and steady
  • 50/50 Mix

0 voters

Same as last week - adding about 10 per day on average, mostly N5 but some N4 stuff as well just to keep the pressure up! Getting some vocab through reading - re-cementing some stuff I learned through WaniKani but then forgot…

Bad week for listening. I think the only concentrated listening I did was a Room Tour Youtube video, and they only talked for about 3 minutes of the 15. Mostly just more reading/subtitles. Not all weeks are winners I guess…


  • N5: 126/126 - Completed last week
  • N4: 51/177 - Only able to add 10 new reviews this week, but still making progress!
  • N3: 52/219 - Everything is on hold until I get caught up with N4.
    Slow progress, but grammar is a marathon, not a sprint!

Weekly Izakaya Food Spotlight
漬物 (tsukemono) - I had some lovely pickled vegetables this week! I definitely prefer the lighter style of pickling vegetables. Pickled cucumbers that still heavily resemble cucumbers is my jam!

That’s all this week! Planning on a restful weekend and to really buckle down next week!