What am i supposed to do here?

I am not quite sure what exactly I am supposed to do here?

I am doing a cram session covering some mistakes I made. I am new to Bunpro and looking to improve my grammar. Figured I would just start at the beginning while I figure the system out.

Can someone please advise what I am supposed to do to continue?


Do you mean to continue the review session? You can press the arrow on the right hand side of the answer box (the box that よ is in) to get to the next cram question.

I will also say that is looks like a vocab question on screen, not a grammar one - if you’re looking to improve your grammar specifically, make sure you’ve selected the items you want to review correctly


Thanks. I tried to hit the arrow but it didnt do anything.

I have the vocab and grammar mixed together…thanks. I kinda wish there were actual directions.

I appreciate your help!


If you go into the review tab of your settings, you can find an option that says ‘split reviews’ so you can do grammar and vocab reviews separately.

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so confused how someone new to the site is level 34

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They might have linked their wanikani


Thanks for the feedback, and welcome to the forums!
We apologize for the poor first impression with Bunpro.

Just checked your profile and found the session in question.
Something went very wrong with this Cram Session, and what you’re seeing is a big ol’ bug :bug:

Will try find a fix for it – hold tight!


I linked my WaniKani and it jumped my level massively


Thank you!

I thought that may have been a possibility as well.


Once the bug gets fixed you’ll be able to see for yourself, but Cram should operate nearly identical (if not entirely) to how normal reviews operate. There shouldn’t be really too many things to learn or figure out - but if there is, feel free to either post here or send me a message directly! :v: