What does this mean

I found this word in a song. 回しかけて. I don’t know what the かけて means.


ダイヤル回し - Phone Dial
ダイヤル回しをかける - To dial someone (In this case in the phone booth)
電話をかける - To call someone on the phone
塩をかける - To sprinkle salt
コートをかける - To hang up a coat

It’s a versatile word that is easier to learn through reading/listening than direct memorisation.

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Hey @Buks_12 and @zeno777 !

In this context 回しかけて means half-dialed! It is conjugating 回す, using this grammar point.

かけなれたダイアル回しかけてふと指を止める, translates as, ’ I stop my fingers as I’m halfway through dialing a number I call frequently.

I hope this clears it up!


Hey Fuga, thank you for the correction! I was treating ダイヤル回し as a noun :lying_face:

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