What happened to search page?

I just wanted to do my daily dose of adding vocab from listening pracitice when I discovered that I’m no longer able to search using only latin characters what is a pain because I don’t have a Japanese keyboard installed on the device I do Bunpro so I have to copy-paste the text (not to mention searching by English translation is now impossible?). And please, don’t tell me that I can just install the Japanese keyboard, I know it but it’s not the point of the problem :slight_smile:

Is this how it’s meant to be or just a weird bug?

Btw, I kinda don’t understand the error message – I have more than one non-Japanese character? :sweat_smile:


I think its a bug. It states that you can search in English as well as Japanese but when i tried searching for a work that I know is in Bunpro it came up with the same error. Hopefully the devs will see this post and look into it :slight_smile:


I just started having this problem today, too! Sent a ticket in earlier, hopefully it gets fixed soon.


Thank you, I wasn’t sure what the steps were for reporting issues so glad you logged it :slight_smile:


I’m having the same problem. Let’s hope they fix it soon.


@HeyBenny @Jessietora @Travioli @LemonPebble

This was indeed a bug I introduced yesterday…

Sorry for the inconvenience! I have fixed it.
Feel free to hit me over the head repeatedly with a piko hammer. :confounded:

PS. Welcome to the forums @HeyBenny!


WATCHOOOOOOOOUT!!! :hammer: :rabbit2:

Oops, I wasn’t even affected by that bug :confused:

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