What is a good way to import Vocabs into a custom deck?

Example of what I want to import:

So, I can strip the file using Python to only the Japanese phrases.
But, I end up running into phrases like “を中心に大人気” that the vocab importer cannot find a match.

Any suggestions?
Find some python library to split the JP phrases into dictionary words? Seems a tad too painful.

Hi there,

maybe this tool could help you?

It can extract vocab from manga format and has recommended import options for Bunpro, too.

Just tried it.

  1. It couldn’t read the PDF :slight_smile:
    Just returned empty.

  2. It’s too aggressive in splitting words when I feed it a text file.


  • 陰キャ becomes . Bunpro does have 陰キャ as vocab.

It’s a roundabout way, but you could use JPDB importer from text (Log in or Sign up – jpdb), then export to csv using a userscript, and then import that csv into Bunpro.

importer test with your 2 example words

Edit: but if you want your deck to contain grammar points that are not JMDict words, e.g. を中心に (JLPT N2) | Bunpro that might not be ideal either.

I didn’t even know that was a grammar point!
I think you are right. JPDB first then Bunpro import might be the best way for now.

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