What to do after N4?

I just finished N4 deck. I will do at least week without any grammar to solidify n4 deck but what is best course of action afterwards? Continue with n3 deck? Or use a book [I have multiple to choose from including tobira, bunka chuukyuu nihongo etc) and use bunpro as explanation for grammar points and renshuu?

N3 is good :slight_smile: There is a lot of essential grammar there. I would not specialise too much and diversify the learning with different resources, so for example do Bunpro regularly for adding new grammar and doing reviews, but also find a book and reading material to follow. Tobira is pretty good, it contains some longer text segments that will probably be challenging at first, but rewarding after a while. Looking up the grammar for each chapter at Bunpro really helps.

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Continue with N3 grammar?
If you have the books, use them and add the grammar points manually in Bunpro as you go through the books. It could be a good idea for a bit to concentrate on building up your vocabulary ( here and / or on Renshuu etc ) and then focus again more on Grammar. Just to change things up a bit.

Maybe a bit challenging. Try from time to time to read shounen manga / shoujo manga. On Bookwalker website you can basically read some manga a for free for a limited time (just press on the book cover). Eg:

Or books aimed at kids as they have furigana on everything by 角川つばさ文庫. Eg if you have read Spy Family, there is this:

Its a mix of manga and light novel with furigana on everything.
N3 is where most stuff starts to open up. Congrats on finishing the foundation!!!


yeah following on from @zerohbeat , get stuck into reading. Head over to learnnatively.com to start finding stuff to read. It’s categorized by level, so super easy to find something. At that level, I’d recommend the harder graded readers. N4 level, you’re around the level of a elementary school kid, so native content is a bit… childlike lol さすがにね!


the ones that are around 13-15 will be good for N4

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Lot’s of good input, thank you. I bought SuperCub set to read that in the mean time. I also want to reread vns that I read in english long time ago in japanese but that might be tough option. I am only level 10 on wanikani.


I agree with all of the above. I would add a couple of things.

Podcasts/Videos for learners - it’s good to get used to listening as well, now that you’ve got a grasp of the core grammar structure of Japanese.

E.g. Nihongo con teppei, Nihongo no mori

Secondly, for n4 grammar, consider trying to plough through some textbook exercises.
I know for n3/n2, shinkanzen series is very good (I haven’t tried the n4 one).

These can be good at helping to understand your strengths/weaknesses, and can quite often show nuances in grammar, which are maybe slightly easier to skim over in bunpro.


Read, son. Read read read… Just read.

Well, do other stuff too. But when in doubt, read. Manga is a great start, there’s a lot of really entertaining and easy ones like Yotsubato.