What's your favorite sorting order?

I just learned that you’re able to sort your reviews in 4 modes: Random, Ascending SRS Level, Descending SRS Level, and Overdue First. I’m doing Overdue First since if you’re running behind, you can get the reviews you’re most likely to forget out of the way without having to do them all. And the reviews getting easier and easier as you go on makes it more motivating to continue. I’m curious to see which is the most common, probably random since it’s the default.


Currently I’ve been working through a backlog of 400 grammar reviews. I’ve always kept it to default, but with 30+ ghosts spooking around I had to prioritize them to get them out of the way. Since they have the shortest intervals they had to be first or id never see them enough to slay. So then I had it ghosts first, default the rest…I didn’t do any non ghosts until my ghosts were below 30. Until I was making progress through the grammar reviews. I thought having overdue first would be most useful, and it was for n5-n3 because I was more solid on them, but with n2 being more fresh I was so far behind I didn’t really remember them anyway so it just made more ghosts. Switched to lower SRS first which made everything easier because the ghosts I just slayed had new sentences ready to review. If I stayed with overdue first, I wouldn’t have seen them before forgetting them again. I’ve got it down to 40 grammar reviews as of today, took about 2 weeks

Without having the backlog, I’d probably leave it at random. Debating whether or not to keep ghosts first, because I like having them all right there so if I don’t finish reviews, at the very least those are taken care of. But having them first means I know exactly when they’re going to come, and how to answer without actually having to think much about why or what else would go there. When they’re hidden in reviews, I don’t usually check to see if it’s a ghost or not I just answer based on the information given and not because it’s one of the 30 ghosts i just did yesterday.


Random for me.

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I’ve also switched off the setting to show “Review SRS” level, so that the information if the item is old/new/ghost doesn’t distract from the question itself.

I went through different queue settings at different times, with similar thoughts.
When pushing through difficult material I found it helpful to have most recent items and ghosts first, because I forget them the next day anyway.
When in maintenance mode, I like random, so you don’t get unnecessarily helped by “ah I just did this ghost yesterday”.


Valid. But I’m addicted to the confetti of mastered items :confetti_ball: and the slayed ghosts animation. I dunno if it would still show off SRS levels are hidden. That and I like to check the level of ones I found hard to produce but got correct, so I can move it down a level on purpose if it’s a higher one. I finished my backlog yesterday so I’m back to reg maintenance mode with grammar until I get my vocab decks to a matching level of n2. Doing 70 at time with n4 currently with most being review and a starting SRS of 4 (love that setting for this). Will drop to 20 or 30 for n3 and adjust from there. Probably start at 10 for n2. After that, I’ll work reviews for a bit and start n1 decks. I’ll have to play with the srs order again at that time to see if I like newest first still. I do like it for working through a backlog, my grammar reviews are sitting at 40 a day right now so I don’t hate having the newest first for maintenance right now either lol
Plan to test out the SRS level drop settings later today, so looking forward to that :tada:

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I’m the opposite. I always do decending SRS level. that way I am pushing cards as far into the future as possible.
If I have to do the same review again tomorrow, doing it now won’t decrease how many reviews I have to do tomorrow.


Yes, after you answer it reveals SRS level and also shows slain ghost animation.


Oh that’s great! Thanks

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Ghosts then random though maybe I should try overdue first (usually not relevant when I’m doing reviews every day).

I prefer backwards-alphabetical order, personally.

But in bunpro I use longest-> shortest, that way my backlog isn’t as long, and the next days I can focus on the points I need to.

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I do ‘overdue first’ and go thru all N-level vocab decks at once, sorted by frequency, since the most common N1 words will still be more useful than the rarest N4

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I’m having a hard time finding this setting. Could someone please send a screenshot of where it is?

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Okay, I found it. It’s in the settings that are available once you’ve started a review session, not in the settings in your profile.

I used ghosts-first, descending order for most of my time here. I don’t like ghosts, so getting rid of them is a priority; if there’s too much spawning, I disable them as well or leave it at minimal setting. Also, seeing a ghost at the beginning of the reviews reminds me of the forgotten grammar points, so I have a bigger chance to remember them when the non-ghost counterpart appears.

Now for descending order there’s some good reasons. Normally, they are sorted by easier-hard, so:

  • I can “harm up” myself before tackling the harder points
  • I can do a bunch of them quicker at the beginning. Seeing that I “already” did half of my due points does wonders for my motivation. On the opposite order, I spend so much time on the first 25% points, seeing that I still have so many reviews left and took so long, yikes.
  • The most important reviews are at the end (stuff i will forget faster). That means that I NEED to finish every review session until the end.
  • As Noxsora said, I throw more reviews into the future if I don’t do them all to the end. The first 5 reviews will appear after a week, on the opposite order, they will appear tomorrow.

Nowadays I switch to ascending order sometimes, but only when I don’t have the patience to do every review, and I want to not forget the most recent grammar points. That’s most useful when I learned particularly difficult points, but for the reasons above, I’m quick to switch it back.

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Descending SRS level, I do the same for my Anki vocab deck.
The main reason is: I start easy so that I don’t lose focus early on my study.
And I can crack on with the easy stuff while I walk to the office / take the elevator because it doesn’t require a lot of brain power to find the answer. Whereas for the hard stuff I like to be fully installed on my computer and use chat gpt to enhance my cards / add note on grammar point / grasp the nuance better.
hope that helps :slight_smile: