When did you guys start sentence mining?

Hello everyone, I’m currently halfway through the Tango N3 deck and encountering many words like 改行, 添付, and 税込, as well as a lot of formal speech, which I feel I won’t encounter much while consuming media, which is my main goal. However, I do want to be well-rounded in all areas eventually.

I know around 3000 words, which I believe might be a good foundation? Would now be a good time to switch away from pre-built decks and start adding words I encounter through my readings? Or should I power through the rest of them? I was thinking maybe on days when I don’t encounter any new words, I could slowly work through the rest of the decks?

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yeah id say go for it i started at about 2k words. if you use yomitan and ankiconnect i would use a frequency dictionary and mine higher frequency words at the start then move on to less frequent as you learn more