When should i quit?

so i finished all jlpt grammar points on bunpro, from n5 to n1. And now its really boring for me to do bunpro reviews… do you think continuing bunpro will worth it? how long should do it? because i fell that i can do bunpro for like 1 more month and and thats all.


Do you feel you know the grammar points well enough to recognize them in the wild?
If so, it sounds like you’ve finished and won’t benefit much from continuing.

If you feel like you have a vague understanding of the grammar and still get tripped up by nuances, you can either rely on context or look it up on bunpro.

There’s no issue with being finished with a program. it’s all part of practice. I’m sure 95% of us will eventually escape from grammar learning too.


I can’t wait to be you. Personally, I’m a 100%-er so I’ll probably keep going until everything is maxed out someday (which could very well be never).

If you’re bored, you could probably quit though. If you know everything to a degree of boredom, it’s probably just time to continue studying through immersion and conversation.


Depends on your goals for language learning and how Bunpro fits in that.
If your goal in Bunpro is to take each grammar point from Apprentice to Master, then I don’t think you’ll find much value in continuing after you’ve gotten through everything.
If you plan to use Japanese on a daily basis, then cram sessions or reading practice could be useful to a point. Otherwise, you can reset the decks and start over, for the sake of improving retention of grammar you probably won’t use as often.


I’d quit. Language learning should be fun and if you’re not having fun your mind won’t be stimulated. Lack of stimulation leads to less retention.

If you really feel you need to continue for some reason, try reading mode. That way you pay more attention to the whole sentence and vocabulary rather than it being a fill in the blank session.


If you are asking you already know the answer.


Though I think this raises a good question; when should one stop relying on studying for grammar?
I’m halfway with N2, though my progress has slowed significantly, I’m not really seeing much useful grammar in day to day life anymore. they’re more formal or bookish grammar now. I understand wanting it for the test, but for people just casually being around when would a good stopping point be particularly for grammar?

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thank you all for very interesting helpful replies!!! i decided to quit for now, but maybe if ill get some free time id do some reviews just to retain some grammar, but for now im focusing only on reading content that is interesting for me. using bunpro was really useful and boosted my skills, hope this site will continue to improve. thanks everyone! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :hugs: