When to use ように言うover ように頼む

In every example except in the one in the image below the hint “requested” is translated as ように頼む how do I know that in this specific example I have to write ように言う?

Also the hint “told” only once is translated as ように頼む.
This is the example I am talking about

Even though I had just finished cleaning the house, I was told to do the dishes. [in such a way]

I agree with you that it seems somewhat inconsistent, but here’s my best guess after reading through all the sentences.

It seems like all the 頼む sentences have a hint of “entrusting” to them (another definition of the word), which arguably doesn’t exist in the sentence you’re asking about (the one in the picture). Again, this is just a guess, but I figured I’d still mention it.

@seanblue @Seanm826
I am awfully sorry for such confusing sentences!
I changed the “ように言う” sentence to “told” and “ように頼まれた” to"requested" respectively.

The ように[頼む/言う/命じる(rarer)] is used to indirectly bring someone’s utterance. (Reported speech)

The difference is, when a person uses 頼む the original message was a request rather than order, so the speaker was originally told: 皿を洗って(ください)。
If the speaker said the same thing with ように言う then it could have been originally both order 皿を洗いなさい/皿を洗え or request 皿を洗って(ください).

And as you realized already, for 命じる it could have been only order. 皿を洗いなさい/皿を洗え.

I will revamp this lesson within this week to be more understandable!


Thanks for clarify and the fast fix!

Coincidentally, I have been asked during the review one of the sentence that you have just fixed.
Although the example it is correct: “Even though I had just finished cleaning the house, I was requested to do the dishes. [in such a way]” the review is asking me “Even though I had just finished cleaning the house, I requested to do the dishes. [in such a way]” as you can see the “was” is missing in the review.


Fixed! :slight_smile: