Which "Review English" option do you use?

I’m curious, I’m talking about the option in General settings. Since we have “hints” now I’m thinking about only using those? Maybe you don’t use anything, meaning you use “Hide” option? What do you guys/girls/non binaries do?

  • Hide
  • Hint
  • Show
  • More
  • Always Show Nuance

0 voters


I do like to take a hint. If everything is shown you take away your chance of understanding the sentence beforehand, but if you show nothing you often have no idea what should be in the gap.
So that is my summary why I chose hint.


Hide → Read the sentences → Think about context clues → Make a hint prediction → If its obvious answer, or show hint → Final Answer


What @Sidgr here does is what I do too. I give myself just enough English to answer (although I often read the English afterwards). That way, I’m less likely to memorize my way through.

That’s also my policy when I’m studying new items: turn off English → translate in my mind → check the English.


Reviving this discussion…

Does anyone start with zero hints at all? How easily can you interpret what it is asking you to answer?

I currently have it set to always show nuance, but am finding myself just memorising the grammar based on the prompt and it’s not really helping me to understand the indepth meaning.

That is what I do. I would say it depends on the kinda of grammar and the context of the sentence. Some things are actually obvious and there are certain patterns that give them away. Those are not most things. Some things usually between the verb, and the context I can figure it out, but the tense is still opaque. then there are situations where I still really struggle to know what is being asked even after I have a hint. Usually that is a clue that I need to do some more studying and try to actively hear it in immersion.

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I had translation first. It is near impossible for me to do with nothing.

I got this wrong today.

structure to show something you want…

The answer was in the negative… maybe even negative past.
So how can you get that right?? Without English translation.

I do agree that going in without anything is best to test your knowledge but not all questions are suited for that.

I am at n4 level, I believe those that answered are N3 or higher…n
So that probably also plays a part… there might be less options in answers at higher levels…


I actually prefer nuance-only, and then if that’s not enough I’ll go for the English hint. In the old reviews I’d then show the sentence after getting the answer correct if I didn’t know some of the words but it seems you can’t do that with Reviews2.0…

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