Why doesn't self-study advance the progress bar?

I’ve recently changed to doing self-studying almost exclusively. I think it would be nice if doing even one sentence of self-study of a particular grammar point would count towards the N level progress bars just as pre-made sentence study does. Or at least it could be an option.
I also generally think that self-studying should get some more love in terms of features rather than being seen as patchwork for the new yet to perfect grammar points.

Not sure if I understand correctly but… Are you adding the grammar point to reviews on the specific grammar page? :

I think that’s how the progress bars fill. Then, the self study sentences will show first while doing reviews (I think…) .

The architecture seems like a separate entity, I recall reading that resetting a grammar won’t undo self study either.

It would be funny to break the scoring system though, like put in a 1000 sentences for です and have the burns point compound.