I’ve turned “Autoplay Audio” on, but it doesn’t work at all! Is it a bug? I’ve even checked if the sentences I’m getting right have audio and THEY DO.
Note that if I get a review WRONG, THEN I can play the audio with the little arrow pointing to the right. (I do have bunny mode on btw)
I just tested it and it seems autoplay and bunny reviews dont work together. It works fine without bunny mode so this is probably bug. I’m not sure who the correct people to tag would be so can someone else do it.
I don’t think you can ping them like that, although it could be useful.
And I’m unsure who’s the best to ping for this issue, since it’s audio I guess @Asher ?
Sometimes is just best to post in the bug report thread or feedback thread, those are checked more regularly.
Thanks for sending us a question. Thanks @Megumin for tagging me. My partner and I have made a lot of the audio, but I am not too sure about the backend workings.
As bunnymode is set to instantly go to the next question, I would say it overrides whatever programming is involved in playing back the audio (meaning you can’t do both at the same time). I think this is probably so people can playback the audio more than once if they don’t catch it while listening.
I’ll find out what the cause is, and reply again when I know.
Unlike wanikani, bunpro seems to reset audio playback when going to the next question, so even without bunny mode you have to wait for audio playback to finish before moving on if you want to listen to it. It would be cool if it behaved more like wanikani in that regard.
When lightening mode is on, it overrides the autoplay audio setting. This is an intended interaction due to the away audio and jumping to the next question interact.