Wrong furigana?

Hey there,

I came across a strange encounter during my reviews. I’m not sure if this is the only case I encountered (my brain tells me it isn’t, but it’s the only one I can remember off the top of my head because I literally just did it), but for the vocab the furigana as written is さま, but the audio in the example sentences says よう instead.

Is this a known issue?



It is indeed a known issue. I’ve sent some feedback myself sometime ago and I know other users also have. I’ve also reported other instances (e.g. あく / ひらく readings for 開く, 白髪 read as はくはつ instead of しらが).

As answered many times, it has to do with the TTS the team is experimenting with and they are working hard on this issue. More on this here.

そう言えば, I came across this one just today: 宇宙人, うちうじん, which is read in the example sentences as うちゅうひと. :wink:

Have a nice day!


Gotcha, makes sense! I’ll just have to keep those words in mind for the time being, or maybe disable furigana on those words specifically so they don’t trip me up.