Ya boi has done it

Maybe this isn’t thread-worthy, but after using this site for 1.5-2 years on and off I finally have all the grammar points under my belt! Obviously N1 is still under development but I wanted to share my achievement here :slight_smile:
Next is Wanikani!! 14 more levels!!!


:clap: Congratulations!!! :clap: What a wonderful achievement!!!


おめでとうございます!That´s a great achievement!

Also guess i´m kinda abusing the burn feature since we are merely 2 levels apart, yet i´m only halfway through^^:



could you please share how satisfied with bunpro, in how ways it ffected your learning, how effective it was and your general thoughts on it?


That’s quite the dedication!

I am still a bit ways to go :slight_smile:

Again, congrats :smiley: !


Wow, that’s awesome!!! I skipped N5 and N4 grammar but now I’m reconsidering doing it after finishing N1 (still not even halfway through N2) just because it looks so cool haha.


Congrats! I’m close behind! Gonna clear N1 soon and I’m currently WaniKani level 58, about a week away from hitting level 60!

Let’s get it man!


Your study streak is incredible omg


haha thanks man, I’ve been really serious about learning Japanese, moving there in a couple months (given that things open up)


Oh, good luck!!


I didn’t even know I had a “boi,” but I guess I’m proud of you, my son.


Congrats :tada:

I am also nearing completion. I wonder though, what are difficulties you’ve come across while getting to this point?

I’ve found that highly similar grammar points (in meaning) that differ mostly in nuance is what can really trip me up. I also find that sometimes there are multiple correct answers, but Bunpro of course wants you to input a specific grammar point and I just can’t remember what that exact point was.


Congrats on your milestone! I’m assuming you have gained competence on every single grammar item and that is why we are celebrating, no small feat. I hope to get there some day too.

But when is BunPro done anyways? I expect it’s when you gain experience points well into the 100s. For that I would say, ‘mi boi is not done yet’! :wink:…assuming that is what you want.

WK is weird because it’s based on completed lessons (and not reviews), you can get to level 60 but have less than half the content burned and that doesn’t feel done to me. And BP doesn’t control lesson count, it’s much more of a free for all with manual burning too. I kind of prefer Kitsun’s system (though user controlled content) which gains experience on both reviews AND lessons rather than just lessons (Wanikani) or just reviews (BunPro)…but whatever, it’s all just a motivating tool to measure some personal progress.


おめでとうございます! :partying_face:

I’m nearing 60, and I’m only 3/4ths into N3, with N5 and N4 done. Don’t even talk about burned items. So yeah, haha!


Congratulations! I think finishing all of the grammar is definitely thread-worthy, and I think that even finishing segments is a thread-worthy announcement. I recently finished all of N4 and am working my way through N3. I’m the bread-winner and at least a 40% Mr Mom for our one-year-old daughter (with another on the way), so I need to get very creative in finding time to study. I can’t wait until the iOS app comes out to make mobile a little easier on my eyes–I’m 55 but still don’t need bifocals yet. I’m so glad I’m studying with Bunpro. My Japanese stinks less and less every day.


Thank you father :flushed: :flushed:

There’s still vagueness with combinations including very common words like こと/もの, and with という constructions and the like, or with how grammar constructions get massively truncated in casual speech. I can comfortably read a lot now though. My main issue in comprehension seems to be vocab-related.

edit: Oh yeah, and sometimes I’ll read a sentence with a grammar point that I’ve studied but not remember what it actually means (for example, だけに/だけあって) from seeing it in the wild, but I might use it when constructing a sentence.

That’s a good point. I’m in the Luminaries thread and I just got overtaken from being in 1st place level-wise, but then I compared pages and realized I was ahead by ~2000 burned items! Probably because I’ve had a lot of slow periods (especially when school picked up a ton) where I just did reviews without lessons.

I think they’re referring to WaniKani level 60 instead of BP level 60, since WK level 60 is where you stop getting new lessons.


That would make a world of sense… Blame the rainy day, my brain’s on dial-up.


You probably know this, but もの is a physical “thing” and こと an abstract/metaphorical “thing”.

“What’s that thing on the table?” ー もの
“What kind of things do you like doing?” ー こと

Other than that, do you feel you can consume the content you’re interested in relatively painlessly grammar-wise, assuming you know (or look up) the vocabulary?


Koto can also imply the imperative, among other things, which I think what he is getting at. 部屋を掃除すること can mean “clean your room” as an order/suggestion in a given context, etc. You can also use mono to personify things or to add perceived importance to something;

To strive is to endeavour to make important your goals.
(very odd Japanese, but its the only example I can think of)

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Ah, is that the “Verb + ものだ” grammar point in Bunpro? I wasn’t aware but I think it still makes sense.

One of the examples: ケーキは、甘いものだ。
Bunpro Translation: Cake is supposed to be sweet.

My more literal “translation”: Cake… sweet thing is.
Cake is a sweet thing. (Cake is supposed to be sweet.)

Like, if I say "studying is a hard thing to do”, that’s similar to saying “studying is supposed to be hard”, isn’t it?

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