Yomichan dictionary for Bunpro grammar/vocab

Hello everybody,

I use the Yomichan browser extension a lot, and I thought that it would be neat to add a badge in the entries to show when a given entry is available in one of bunpro’s decks (this way I may decide to go and add it to my SRS if I find the word interesting for instance).

To this end I wrote a script to scrub bunpro and make a list of all Nx vocab and grammar decks, and then packaged it in a Yomichan dictionary:

When loaded it should look like this:

You can see that in this case そんな exists in both Grammar-N4 and Vocab-N4 bunpro decks.

It doesn’t work super well for grammar because obviously many points do not match a single full word but for vocab it should be reasonably reliable.


Verrr’ niiice! :wink: :+1:

I happen to use 10ten Japanese Reader (Rikaichamp) in Firefox. Pretty sure Yomichan is either not available, or maybe it is but I picked an alternative for some reason … :thinking: :man_shrugging: … Anyway, do you happen to know if something like that is also possible in 10ten Reader?

I’m pretty sure 10ten can use additional dictionaries, because I seem to recall checking that, but I’ve never actually used that feature, so not sure how to do it, or how to adapt your dictionary to 10ten (if they even use different formats??). Here’s a link to 10ten’s info page, in case it helps for answering back (thanks in advance, yo!):

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I use Yomichan on firefox. I did try 10Ten for a while but overall I found Yomichan more fully featured, although 10Ten was a bit more user friendly to get started and did work on webpages where Yomichan struggled a bit.

I’ll have a loot at 10Ten’s docs to see if I can generate a compatible version.


It doesn’t seem possible to add 3rd party dictionaries like in Yomichan, I’d have to submit a code change to the project and that’s a little more work than I care to commit to at the moment. In the meantime I created a feature request with my data here:

Hopefully somebody less lazy than I am will implement it…


Huh! Well, that clears that misconception up! :sweat_smile:

Oh, definitely wasn’t asking for that kind of involvement! :grimacing: :sweat_smile:

Of course! I definitely understand that! Ha! I mean, I barely put in the time to even look up the links to 10ten. Was hoping it might be something that could be accomplished in like 5 minutes or something!

That’s already way more than I could have hoped for. Thanks for taking the time to do that!