A Question: ボスに話かけられた

While doing the “te iru aida ni (while…)” grammar point, I came across this example:

休を取っている間あいだに ボスに_話かけられた_。

which is translated as:

While I was on break, my boss talked to me (to my dismay).

That 話かけられた is what I don’t understand.
I think it’s in passive form, seeing “boss ni” and “-rareta”.
But, then, what about that “kake” in the middle of the verb?

Thank you for clarification.

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Hey! :grin:
話かける is the second way (and less common) of writing 話しかける - to address someone/ to speak to someone.
So like you said, 話かけられた is passive of 話かける(話しかける)and means to be addressed by someone.

I hope it is clear now :+1:

Edit: Changed it. :laughing:

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Oh, so it’s another verb!

And here I thought it was another particle or conjugational suffix added to “hanasu” (to speak).

Thank you so much for your response.
: )

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Not a problem :+1: