Does the model also check for proper vocabulary usage? For example, I put in this sentence that I had asked Japanese people to correct (so I know what’s wrong with it):
The biggest mistake was that I should have used 救う instead of 手伝う. When I put it in the checker, it highlighted から as the main problem, but when I changed 手伝う to 救う, it passed. So it seems like it’s deciding there’s a mistake based on the vocabulary, but highlighting something else in that case. (EDIT: actually, it makes sense that it underlined から, because it doesn’t go with 手伝う, awesome catch!)
If anyone is curious, the native-approved revision was the below (differences: use やる and switch 手伝う to 救う or 助け出す)
The corrected Japanese-approved sentence also passed your checker! Seems like it’s working well with identifying whether there is a problem or not, and for that, it already seems valuable! Bookmarked.
I’m gonna try some more tests and report back here.
EDIT: I just went through the majority of HiNative sentences that I wrote and got corrected on.
All the Japanese natives’ sentences that I put in passed without errors! So it rarely has a false positive (says it’s wrong when it’s not).
I also put in a couple of my own sentences that I never got corrected on and was happy to see that most of them passed! (Might be false negatives, but it increased my self confidence a bit :D)
But I also put this piece in:
A: もしもし
B: あっ、忙しい?運転中みたいんだ。
A: えぇ。気分転換ドライブだけだ。
B: えっ!運転しながら電話するのは交通違反でしょ。
A: 大丈夫だよ。全然警察に気づかれないから。
B: バカ、このままじゃ他人を危険にさらすよ。罰金取れよ。
and was told that there’s an issue in みたい and 転換ドライブ. I put each of those sentences on their own (without "A: " or "B: ") just to make I wasn’t messing with the parser, and still got a highlighting in those respective places.
But two Japanese natives looked over the dialogue and didn’t point out that there was an issue in either of those sentences. However, they both pointed out that it should have been 罰金を取られろよ, so that was a false negative.
Looking back on it, there was indeed an issue: it should have 運転中みたいなんだ. So it caught a sentence natives overlooked :D. When I corrected that, it passed.
Overall, I’d say this is a nice tool. The fact I haven’t yet seen it fail a fully written out sentence made by a native is a really good sign. I still don’t see the issue with 気分転換ドライブだけだ, but since the tool rarely has a false positive, I’ll keep thinking about it