Announcement! N5 and N4 Vocabulary - 5/26

Hi, All! :raised_hands:

I am happy to officially announce that we have finished checking and improving all the example sentences in the N5 & N4 vocabulary sections! Our focus of this process was identifying and fixing minor errors, especially in the furigana, or anything unnatural in the Japanese sentences. I’ll go over a few examples of these fixes with you all.


In our current system, the furigana for the vocabulary example sentences is added automatically by a program, due to there just being far too many to do manually. As you may know, the furigana for some kanji differs depending on the context, meaning, or word that precedes/follows, so it is important to check them one by one. Here, let me show some examples of the furigana I have changed.

  • 二人 (two people)οΌšγ«γ«γ‚“ β†’ γ΅γŸγ‚Š
  • δΈ€ι€±ι–“ (one week)οΌšγ„γ‘γ—γ‚…γ†γ‹γ‚“ β†’ いっしゅうかん
  • δΈ‰ιšŽε»Ίγ¦(three floor building)οΌšγ•γ‚“γ‹γ„γ γ¦ β†’ γ•γ‚“γŒγ„γ γ¦

Note: The reading for 階 is かい for 1st, 2nd, 4th… floors, but the 3rd floor is an exception and it is commonly pronounced as γ•γ‚“γŒγ„, instead of さんかい. This is an example of rendaku, the regular sound changes in Japanese.

  • ε€§εœ°ιœ‡ (a big earthquake)οΌšγ γ„γ˜γ—γ‚“ β†’ γŠγŠγ˜γ—γ‚“

Note: Both readings are acceptable. Historically, γŠγŠγ˜γ—γ‚“ was more commonly used, and it is still the official reading used by major media outlets in Japan. But γ γ„γ˜γ—γ‚“ has become more prevalent in daily conversation nowadays as well, though it originally referred to earthquakes with a magnitude of 7 or higher as a technical term. In this case, I have chosen to use γŠγŠγ˜γ—γ‚“ because it seems that it is still widely recognized as the standard reading. Information on official or preferred readings for words can be found on websites like NHK Broadcasting

  • 抱く (hold, embrace):だく ⇄ いだく

Note: This is an example of furigana that changes depending on the context. When you physically hold or embrace something or someone, だく is commonly used, while when you have something abstract like a question, a joy, or an ideal, いだく is used. In cases like this, we will add new sentences for the alternative meanings/readings as well, and link them via the vocabulary description.

Kanji typos

Kanji typos have been also fixed, though there were only a few. This mainly happens when we click tab one too many times selecting kanji while typing quickly! Just let me show you one example that I found funny.

Before :no_good_woman:

After :ok_woman:

Alternate characters

Some vocabulary words can be written using different characters, such as kanji, hiragana, katakana, or even a combination of them. In our vocabulary section, we provide multiple possibilities if they are actually used in writing. For example, the word δΊ›γ¨γ‚‚οΌˆγ‘γ£γ¨γ‚‚οΌ‰β€˜a tiny bit’ is commonly written in hiragana rather than kanji in our daily life. However, the kanji version can also be seen in books, so in this case, we have included the kanji and hiragana versions in the sentences for practice purposes and exposure to both.

Last but not least, thank you all for your continuous support! I have been impressed by everyone’s passion for learning everyday since I joined the Bunpro team! I hope this update helps make your learning experience better, and that it adds to the reliability of content that we provide! I have just started checking everything in the N3 vocabulary sentences, and am looking forward to polishing this product as well!

Hope you all have a wonderful day! :partying_face:


Nice amendments!

Looking forwards to N3 vocab example sentences and translations being available - will be super useful to be able to do a second pass through all the vocab before I need to resit that exam later this year :joy:


Thank you! Oh, then I will do my best to complete the N3 vocabulary check as soon as possible! :muscle:


Thank you, you’re very kind :bowing_man:


I’m sad β€œsqueal with joy” was changed, hahah. That’s a great sentence :joy: Thanks for the hard and thorough work on this project!


Thank you for the update! :pray: :heartpulse:


Thank you sooo much, @Chihiro -san! ζœ¬ε½“γ«γ‚γ‚ŠγŒγ¨γ†ο½žοΌ

I’m actually squealing with joy for all the great attention to detail, and especially for this post which gives us a glimpse into all the work you’ve done!

For me, it really helps me appreciate the BunPro product even more – and especially the BunPro team: the people behind the product, and their diligence and hard work. It is very much appreciated! Thank you again! :hugs::smiley:


Hahaha, maybe that was an unnecessary correction :joy:


My pleasure :blush:


I’m really glad you like it! We will make more announcements like this in the future. ζ₯½γ—みにしていてください :grin: :raised_hands:


I’ve decided to give the vocabulary a try (I’ve only been using bunpro for grammar so far) and I wish there was a way to manually adjust the SRS besides setting entries to mastered.

My issue is that when I encounter a word I think I already know well, I don’t want to go through unnecessary reviews, but I would also like to avoid discarding the entry completely and just set it to a higher SRS tier, maybe Expert 1 or something like that. This way these words won’t increase my reviews too much but I’ll still get a refresher eventually.


There is a setting in the deck settings that will let you set the default SRS for content from that deck. That might not be exactly what you are looking for.

We are planning on building in more fine grained control for the SRS for specific grammar/vocab in the near future.


Oh that will be helpful in the meantime since I know most of the N5 and N4 stuff anyway, thanks a lot!

BTW I was surprised that Bunpro wouldn’t let me adjust the SRS just by clicking the little progress tabs thingies at the bottom:

But even then I would prefer to have some dedicated, easily accessible UI element within the lesson page to avoid unnecessary clickage.