Belomi's return! (Accountability/study log)

Hello everyone!

I am back here on bunpro, and happy to be back! I disappeared for a little bit because I was actually prepping to move to Japan! Which, of course, studying more should have probably been higher on that priority list, but saying bye to friends and packing your life up is also important, I guess.

Anyways, I’m here in Japan working as an ALT, and while I a lot of people say it’s not a very good way to learn Japanese, I’m pretty lucky in the fact that the level of English among the other faculty in my school is pretty low (but honestly, better than expected), so I’m forced to use and listen to Japanese every day. Also, people are very outgoing here, so I’m usually dragged out if there’s an event and get to have Japanese conversation then!

Why I’m Studying
Aside from living life a little easier while I’m here, I mainly came because I needed a break from my work, and my industry does benefit a lot from knowing Japanese. That’s not really how it started–I was just your average weeb interested in anime and manga, but that’s what it’s evolved to.

Closest Main Goal
So, obviously “I want to work with Japanese” is not a good, short term goal to set for myself if I want to get any progress done. So my main goal is currently: I want to pass N3 next summer. I think I’m well on my way and could easily be studying for N2 in that time, but I want to feel as confident as I can going in, as well as not get derailed by adjusting to life here, so I’m giving myself that extra time to prepare. Ultimately, before I eventually go home, I want to try to pass N2.

I’ve finished Genki I and II multiple times, and have gone through N5 and N4 grammar on Bunpro. I started N3 a while ago before my long break to prep for moving, and am currently sitting at 119/219 grammar points studied. There’s also a random N2 grammar point I knew and marked off, so don’t mind that. However, I have a massive backlog on Bunpro now and am working to get through that before I add any more grammar points or vocab on Bunpro. For reference, as of writing this, I’m currently at 555 reviews, which is at least down from the ~950 I had a few days ago.

Like a lot of people I see who do study logs, I’m feeling like I’m lacking severely on my vocab, especially now that I’m having more actual conversations with people. Something that’s changed in my study routine since returning to Bunpro, is I’m definitely reading more (currently reading 「多門君今どっち?!」and watching Netflix with Japanese subtitles(今際の国のアリス), and mining both of those things using Anki. I’ve also been using Bunpro for vocab, so that’s some of my reviews.

It’s a big screenshot grab, so looking at my stats for vocab here on Bunpro, I’ve got:

  • N5 (1110/1110)
  • N4 (950/1100)
  • N3 (353/2000)
  • N2 (116/1998)
  • N1 (158/2974)

Like everyone and their mother, I’m using WaniKani. I had a bunch of reviews there too, but I managed to finally get through them and I leveled up to level 24 yesterday! Yayyy! Speaking of which, I currently have 99 reviews. Nooooooooo!

Outside of just my general vocab weakness I mentioned earlier, speaking and reading are my two biggest weaknesses right now, I think. Conjugating on the fly is a little difficult for me, but I think I’m already improving in that area! I also put reading on the backburner even though that’s very important for my job? So I’m trying to get in the habit of reading at least a little bit every day. Today I read three NHK easy articles. I would read some more of 「多門君今どっち?!」but it’s already 9:20 and I need to head to bed after I finish this.

Goals for the Week

  • Get through my Bunpro backlog.
  • Get 2/3rds of the way through 多門君今どっち?! volume one. I’d say I’d finish it, but I move to a different apartment on Sunday and obviously that’s a little important. I’m currently 40% of the way through it, but with all the slang and grammar points I don’t know, it takes a long time for me to get through it.
  • Finish episode 6 of 今際の国のアリス. Currently need to start episode four. Once again, would aim to finish by Sunday, but need to pack my stuff up and move. Also not sure if I can run Netflix on my pocket wifi, but I’ll have to see.
  • Write down four new words at the grocery store every time I go. May not be a lot this week because of the typhoon, but I’m seriously so lost at the grocery store and also don’t want to seem like even more of a weirdo staring at something and copying it down.

Next week I want to start learning new things on Bunpro again, as well as maybe get back on Italki. I also need to start thinking about if I take a break from Tamon-kun or switch to another book after. I’m liking Tamon-kun, but you know–trying to get that new vocab going. Maybe I’ll also try to do a week in review in Japanese here on Sundays? Not really about studying, but trying to get as many grammar points as I’m struggling with in just a journal-style blog post manner.


Welcome back :smiley:
I hope your move to a new apartment goes smoothly.

Maybe you could make a picture with your phone of the items at the grocery. Then ppl will think you’re sharing stuff with friends. Could be more natural than actual writing :blush:


You know, hilariously I thought of this after I went to the store today…

…which,naturally, was after I forgot to write stuff down as well. Habits take a while to form though, just gotta be patient with myself!


Okay I’m getting a bit of a headache so I’m gonna jump in and do my little update!

Not sure how much wanikani I did today, but it was a good amount! Currently sitting on 49 reviews, so I’m keeping on track. Also did 25 lessons today. Really sucking at this batch of kanji for reviews though, lol.

Did a total of 254 reviews today (152 grammar, 102 vocab), bringing my total down to 412 reviews.

Got through some of my anki decks, but I really need to go through and revisit how many new things I’m going to learn since I have a few active decks. Overall did 222 cards on Anki, though.

NHK Easy News
Read two articles today! I probably should have put that I do this on my work computer so I unfortunately cannot add new words to my anki very well, but that’s okay. Sometimes I can just practice for funsies.

Like I said, got a bit of a headache so I doubt I’ll do any reading or watching Alice in Borderland today, but we’ll see how I feel after I get out of the shower. I’m hoping that once things calm down a little with bunpro reviews, I’ll feel a bit more motivated to read/watch things.

I also forgot to add!! Yesterday was actually my 100th active day on bunpro. Weeee!! Here’s to 100 more.


I really wish there was a better way to see how much I have done of wanikani per day, because when I come here and say I have 38 reviews, it’s a little sad. However, I’m completely out of new kanji/vocab for wanikani for now! Yayyy!

Chiseling away at this pile of reviews. School’s a half day tomorrow because of the typhoon which means I’ll have plenty of time to work on reviews (pending wifi/power) tomorrow, so that’s nice. If I’m out of wifi and reviews, I guess that’s just a mandatory break, though. Today’s stats are 228 reviews (139 grammar, 89 vocab). This brings my current reviews down to 360.

I’ve changed my stats so each deck only gives me five new cards per day. Given that I’ve got multiple active decks, that’s plenty. I’m also suspending cards from imported decks that I’m sure I know. Today was a low review day so I studied 135 cards. Nice.

I forgot to get one last one in my panic of forgetting my wallet at home, but I managed to get three new vocabs from the grocery store, which is really nice! I’ll probably actually bump this goal up to five to match my new anki words per day.

I read some of 多門君今どっち?!, bringing me up to 47%! I think I’ll be able to reach that 60% goal by Sunday pretty easily.

I’ve also decided I’m going to add a little challenge to my Sunday blog posts. I think I’m going to randomly put my lessons on and grab the first five grammar points and make sure I get them into my blog post. May seem weird with a mix of formal/casual grammar points, but that’s part of the fun.

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Welcome back! And congrats on your move to Japan. It definitely sounds like you’ve gotten your feet under you in short order. You’re obviously very enthusiastic about improving your Japanese (from an already strong base!).

Good luck! And looking forward to reading along as you get on with your studying.

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Did that again today, of course! Kept up with my new lessons and have zero again (only unlocked three today, so that wasn’t hard). I’ll probably be staying up a bit later but as of writing this, I’m at 28 reviews.

270 reviews today which seems wild to me, because I felt like I studied way less than normal today. I was super busy at work! That came down to 156 grammar reviews and 114 vocab!

Grocery store
Turns out my tomato had started to rot so I managed to go to the grocery store and pick out five whole new words! WEE!

Picked up Tamon-kun again and got to 57%! Even if I can’t read tomorrow, I’m considering that 60% goal complete. I’ll still read some tomorrow if I can, but I’ve got some repacking, cleaning, and some work to do and I should probably move some focus over to Alice in Borderland. However, I want to read a little every day and I’m enjoying the manga, so I think it’ll be easy enough to surpass 60% by Sunday.

Haven’t touched Anki yet but it will happen tonight assuming I keep power.


This isn’t my nightly update but I needed to rejoice!!

I’ll be starting grammar starting Monday probably, as the move will be annoying. Definitely got a huge DHL box the day before I’m moving, but thankfully there’s some bags in there I can fill with stuff.



I moved and my pocket wifi is being VERY unreliable. I’ll skip this week’s blog entry and will work more on Japanese at work. I don’t know when the person to set up my internet will be coming, so I’m a little nervous about falling behind. I’ll try to keep up with my reading though!

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Wi-fi problems are the worst!

But, it’s just one more bump in the road. Maybe you can go to coffee shop for the “free” wi-fi if you’re in a pinch. Good luck!

I hate to say it, I fell off the wagon when my wifi was out. Unfortunately, my town’s really small. No coffee shops, no real place to sit down and get wifi. Hell, it’s a miracle if things are open past 7:00.

But, I’m back. And starting again in earnest tomorrow. For accountability’s sake:

988 reviews

453 reviews (actually have been picking away at this so not nearly as bad)

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@belomi! Keep it up!
You can do this!

Excited to follow along with your progress.

I’M ALIVE I PROMISE. Had an interesting time after I fell off the wagon–including a trip to Tokyo! Which meant I fell behind more on my studies here, but I’m back down to zero on bunpro and…we won’t talk about WaniKani right now.

Did have a good…sort of affirming conversation practice while in Tokyo. I always wanted to try to go to a host club, but since I’m very much a foreigner, no one ever talked to me and I’d be way too shy to go up to a host and ask to go to their bar. Told myself on my last trip that if a host ever talked to me and invited me to their bar, I’d go. And sure enough, it finally happened. Two hours of conversation and 一万円 later, I only looked up something on my phone once! It felt good, though it was mostly otaku conversation. Thank you, Kisaragi-kun, for being my conversation partner. And thank you to…that other guy who took a chance and talked to the foreigner. It was a strange amount of fun. Though that’s probably my lonely inaka lifestyle talking…


Wowie I’ve been avoiding WaniKani, I’m not going to lie. I’m still down to zero on Bunpro, and actually did some extra study yesterday and today since I feel like I’m falling behind, particularly in vocab. I did twenty new words both today and yesterday, along with three new grammar points both days as well (a bit annoyed, I actually did five yesterday, but two didn’t register. I cry!). It’s hard because I get so tired after work and there’s some stress going on regarding what I’m doing next year, but this is what I’m here for! I need to study.

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