Bunpro Audio - January 26, 2021 Update!

Just came on here to say thank you! This is a huge deal that would definitely help so many people (myself included). I’m super excited for it!


Thank you! The new audio sounds great!

Also you can play audio during reviews? I did turn audio autoplay on but that never worked. How can I listen to audio while doing reviews?

I also see the play button during reviews but for some reason it doesn’t work :frowning:

Wow i didn’t realize that you were just a user and doing this for free so thanks a lot man! 50/week is great in this case :slight_smile: Can you give us an update on the lockdown in Japan and the continuation of the recordings?

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Sorry yeah I should have posted earlier. The lockdown is expected to end on May 31st. So we will continue recordings in the first few days of June. If I had to guess, the lockdown will definitely end this time. The economy cannot sustain staying closed for so long over a longer period.


I heard the new audio (Thanks, @Asher and partner) in reviews today. So I guess they show up there now. :smiley:


the new audio still doesnt play in reviews for me :frowning: for this one for instance it doesn’t play:


Hey all! @Asher and Haruna have recorded, edited, and uploaded another huge batch of Bunpro sentences!

From @Asher:

At the time of posting, I have added up to N3, Lesson 4 to Bunpro, and hope to have the rest available by the end of the day today or tomorrow.

Big thanks again to @Asher and Haruna for doing this. You guys are amazing.


Edit: New N3 audio is now available up to Lesson 5’s しかない.


Hey guys, glad to finally be doing the audio again. Recorded some more yesterday. I am just editing them and will send them through to the BP guys later today.

If possible I would ask you all to somewhat agressively ‘report error’ on them. I am editing huge batches, so inevitably I am going to name something wrong, forget to chop out a pop sound at the end of a clip or something similar. If you notice anything like this, please let me know so I can re-record individual tracks. Even if it is something like you hear a noisy bird in the background, please report it. (There are lots of crows here, I am pretty sure you can’t hear them in the recording, but you never know).

Anyway, hope you guys are enjoying the audio!


Thanks a lot.

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@Asher and Haruna have recorded, edited, and uploaded over 300 new sentences from というより to わけにはいかない. These sentences are now available on Bunpro and for download on Google Drive.



The new audio sounds very nice. I will be sure to take my time and listen when I do my reviews.


Should this audio be attached to reviews or is forthcoming? Seems like I still have to go through the example list to find the audio. Also for earlier N4, the old audio is attached to review but new audio is attached to the examples (not necessary a negative, nice to hear both actually), noticed in にきがつく (also noticed the audio being cut off, I assume this is BP and not the actually audio).

the audio for betsuni is all swapped, but otherwise thank you!


Yes, you should be hearing the audio from the example sentences in Reviews. This should be true for both the newly added audio and the older recordings. We are not sure what might be preventing it from playing on your end. Do you have Bunny Mode activated? How about autoplay? The next time you get an N3 review question that should have a recording associated with it (the example sentences have audio) without any audio, would you mind taking a screenshot and reporting it here? Cheers!

@walkerranger Thank you for drawing this to our attention! I have straightened out the audio for べつにない. Cheers!

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I’ve yet to reproduce it, perhaps I was outside the range of added audio. I only had one review today was within the new audio additions and it worked as expected.

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So afaik some new audio has been added, right? The N5 and N4 reviews give me the old audio while the newly started N3 reviews give me no audio at all (despite the new audio being available to listen to in the example sentences of the grammar point)
Clicking on the little play arrow during reviewing doesn’t do anything


We are currently not redoing N4 and N5 until we finish all the newer content. As for the new audio not playing, I am not sure what the problem is there

Hey guys, just giving you a heads up that we are still busy recording (currently have about 50 grammar points that I am going through), but because the naming takes a buttload of time there has been a short delay due to me getting home from work most days at midnight and just not having the energy to name the files… lazy on my part but I am doing bits and pieces where I can!

In saying that, if anyone wants to volunteer to name files, be my guest. I use a batch naming program to name the albums/ track numbers etc, naming the individual sentence text is the only thing that takes time.


@s1212z and @Kappa420, @hali_g was able to figure out why some of the audio was not working so that I could implement a fix. Let me know if you still come across some review questions that do not have audio, even though they have audio associated with them in Example Sentences. Cheers!