年間まとめ - Bunpro Year in Review

With 2022 coming to an end, we have one last gift - the first ever Bunpro Yearly Recap!

Your 2022 Bunpro Recap

The Japanese learning journey is one that is filled with a lot of highs and lows, and it’s not uncommon to occasionally feel like progress is slow going. So, we wanted to help you see just how much progress you’ve made throughout the year.

While this is our first take on a yearly review, looking forward to some of our planned updates next year, we are already discussing new metrics we’ll be able to add for the 2023 recap.

On a personal note, the one area that doesn’t show up in this recap is community activity. Over the past year, activity here on the forums has blossomed in a way that has been amazing to see! Whether it’s people helping each other out, users creating their own content for people to learn from, or even providing some helpful feedback to us, you all continue to consistently make this community more and more amazing.

From the entire team at Bunpro, we cannot thank you enough for being the best group of learners out there.

See you all next year!

- The Bunpro Team

P.S. Feel free to post screenshots of the stats you are proud of (or want to work on for next year) below!


I’m not sure if this is related somehow, but I noticed some strange behavior. I had 3 reviews come up at 6pm, and another 3 at 8pm that I was waiting on to start. I also had 3 more reviews tomorrow at 6pm. When I refreshed my dashboard at 8pm, I now had 9 active reviews and the ones in the timeline tomorrow at 6pm had vanished from the timeline.


Woohoooo! おめでとう everyone!

Here are my stats! Not too shabby if I may say so myself.
Was scared I wasn’t gonna study after I moved back to NZ, but managed to keep it up!

Happy new year to ya’ll :sunglasses: :beers:


I double checked the code and none of the calculations change any data. Not sure what might have caused you to see that. :man_shrugging:


This year (I think) I stopped adding new content around the half of N2 level and instead started from scratch at N4 on another account (and managed to finish N4 in one year, so that’s fun.) Just like what I’ll do with N3 next year, it’s been really helpful doing all these new reviews with the writeups the team here has created. It’s truly made a massive difference going from 2 sentence explanations to what we have now.

Nonetheless, it feels really cool to see all of these mastered points because I can remember wanting to throw my goddamn phone across the room when I first started here 3 years ago and trying to remember all the annoying stuff most learners go through. Like the write up says, please take a moment to step back and marvel at how far you came this year regardless of how “fast” or “slow” you went.

See you all next year!!! :cowboy_hat_face:


Super cool review thingy! Kind of upset I only spent 71 hours studying. Oh well c:<


Dude you’re never gonna be a ghost buster with stats like those, step it up.


(cries internally)


Only 71 hours ?? That’s pretty crazy actually.

That is something like 3-5% of every waking hour, every single day, for a whole year… (depending on how much you sleep etc). I think that is pretty impressive :+1:

Edit: And that is just on Bunpro!


I started using Bunpro at the end of this year, so I think my hindsight was good xD


Great job everyone!!

I’m super impressed with everyone’s progress, huge props to y’all!!
Mine was… Eh, not super proud of it but it is what it is! Sharing it anyway. :bunprogold:

Guess the extended break after the JLPT did that. Oh well! There’s always next year!


I basically didn’t study Japanese or use Bunpro this year, until I got back from a trip back to the UK in October. Since then I’ve used it every day, and am on a 77 day streak.

So I’m just leaving this here so I can compare it with my stats next year when, hopefully, I’ll be on a 77 + 365 day streak!

Thank you to everyone at Bunpro for this amazing site and to everyone in the forums too for all your help and support!


So glad I signed up for Bunpro this year. I thought I was learning just fine with WaniKani and Genki but there’s nothing like someone calling out the terrible grammar mistakes you’ve made to motivate you even more.

Here’s to hoping that next year will be a good one!




Can’t kill ghosts if you never create em :sunglasses:
Nah pretty sure I had Ghosts turned off for most of this year!


I did all of N3 and N2 this summer/autumn.


I only started Bunpro sometime in August and I started learning Japanese in June, so it’s served me quite well since then. It doesn’t feel like I’ve actually studied for so many hours, surprisingly.


Looks like vocab reviews blow the review counter up significantly :grin:
Had a yet another burnout this year, so it ended up using Bunpro only half a year.


Ahhhhh vocab was the culprit! I was wondering why everyone had so many haha. Maybe we can split the two next year?

I blasted through 750 or so grammar points this year in the period of 3 and a bit months after completely resetting my account to search for typos, anything that could be made more natural, etc, and I only hit just over 7k :rofl:.


Mine is without vocab.

Hours studied is only time spent doing reviews ? Or also doing cram etc?


Dang, that’s impressive!
Good question, let’s ask the maestro @Jake