two contrasting actions
- Verb[stem] + つ + Verb Antonym[stem] + つ (+ の + Noun)
- Verb[stem] + つ + Verb[passive stem] + つ (+ の + Noun)
行き つ 戻り つ - going back and forth
浮き つ 沈み つ - rising and falling (bobbing)
見え つ 隠れ つ - coming in and out of sight
と つ おい つ (from 取り つ 置き つ ) - wavering between
矯め つ 眇め つ - taking a good look
組んず解れ つ - struggling with
抜き つ 抜かれ つ - neck-and-neck
持ち つ 持たれ つ - give-and-take
押し つ 押され つ - pull and be pulled
追い つ 追われ つ - lead changing many times
差し つ 差され つ - taking turns filling cups
[Used to express that two actions represented by contrasting verbs are alternating in a certain event]
[Nowadays, it is limited to some set expressions]