Cram function not working 100%

When I make mistakes in the grammar review, I like to cram the missed items. Lately, though, only a few of the missed items show up when I click “cram.”

Same with the 24hr summary. I’d like to review what I missed, but only a few of those items get loaded into the cram.

Anyone else having this problem?

I think I know what you mean and encounter it too.
Seemingly, some items on the site don’t have cram enabled for them yet, e.g. items which don’t have example sentences yet.
I think it’s being worked on and more things will be crammable over time - hopefully staff might be able to confirm if they visit this thread!

But if there are items that you think 100% should be appearing in cram but don’t, it could be worth filing a bug report about it!

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Cram in general is very buggy for me (disconnections, repeated sentences, reading questions appearing in listening crams, etc.). Overall, it’s functional enough that I ignore it, but it’s worth mentioning if there’s a thread for it.


Thanks Bunnypro!
It’s not specific items, so i can’t fill a bug report. It just randomly skips one or two of the items I missed in my review. It’s strange because this didn’t use to happen, it only started fairly recently. :woman_shrugging:t2:
Anyway, as you said - hopefully staff will see the conversation.

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The next time this happens, could you send me a screenshot of your summary please? I can take a look.

I know this wasn’t directed to me :sweat_smile: but just in case it helps, here is an example where not all of the failed items in a review session (14 items) appear in the relevant cram at the end of the review session (12 items):

The items not available for cramming here seem to be the ones which don’t have example sentences for them, i.e. こみげる and in this case.
I guessed that this might be the situation for all vocab which don’t have example sentences available for them :slight_smile:

Thanks for responding to my post, Jake!
So I went to “summary” to cram the 9 items I missed in the last 24 hours.

But it only loaded 4 items!

I tried clicking on “continue session” and “return to cram session” but it still did not load the other items.

I really appreciate your looking into this.


Interesting… My issue seems to be slightly different to yours (see my screenshots in this thread), but they might be related. Here’s hoping @Jake can solve the problem!


Thanks for the extra info!
@bunnypro for Vocab or something that doesn’t have sentences, those ones get skipped. Essentially when trying to make specific cram sessions, if you choose “Review” or “Listening” but the sentence is just a readonly example without audio/cloze support it will be skipped. The same goes for Vocab without examples unless you choose the “Flashcard” option.

@lisaki8 It looks like the relevant cram objects for a couple of those sentences weren’t in the database yet which is why they weren’t being returned. I have ran a check and added any that should be in there but aren’t yet so that issue shouldn’t crop up again.

Thanks again for helping us troubleshoot the issue!


The incredible level of responsiveness to users is one of the reasons I love Bunpro! The other reason, of course, is the stellar content.


Agreed! :smiley: