Cramming Grammar

Hello Bunproians

I want to cram the grammar that I have already studied, which doesn’t sit neatly inside one deck, I have flashcards from the Bunpro decks and the Genki Textbooks.

I looked at the settings in cram, under the special tab and can see that there is an option to add cards to your cram session based on SRS levels - which would have solved my query but I have vocabulary cards too and going through to select “add” against each one of the grammar cards is going to take a while - especially as the “save” for cram decks is still in development meaning I’ll have to repeat this task every time I want to cram grammar.

The grammar I know is between N5-N3, with only the N5 Bunpro decks being fully complete so I can’t just select these 3 desks.

Is there a work around? I cannot do scripts etc as I only have an iPad.


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I had a similar question a while ago. Maybe the workaround described there fits your needs?

Nonetheless, wish you happy cramming! :smiley:

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Well, normally I’d say add the decks anyway and then select “no spoilers” which will take out anything you haven’t studied. But it seems to be bugging for me right now so might not work for you

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Maybe not a solution that you are looking for, but it’s how I do it.

I created a new deck called “Confusing grammar”. Every time I learn a new grammar point that I know I would need to cram, I add it to the deck. During the reviews, every time I do not get a grammar point and I feel like I need to cram it more – if it is not in the deck, I add it.

Then whenever I want to do extra studying, I just cram this deck :slight_smile:


Thank you @MurasakiChou @IcyIceBear and @Bezmolwie,

I have been able to do something where I add all decks, including the vocabulary ones, then remove the vocab decks from the cram list, which seems to remove the vocab cards from decks which are mixed.

When I pull that into a cram decks is I have just about the same number of cards as which is in my grammar SRS. I’m out by 3 for some reason even when including ghosts, but its better than my starting point which was 1000s hahah

I hope this all makes sense but thank you for your advice :heart_decoration: