Daily Stroke Order Practice

It’s the WaniKani Name for it, I thought the name was quite something too when I first saw it

As of now, no. I’m sort-of picking Kanji that I’m either currently studying, think look cool, or would probably be pretty common to see in day-to-day life. I’m open to suggestions, though!


Ah, I see. For the sake of learning how to write kanji well it may be worth checking out some native/“correct” kanji breakdowns as it will change stroke order or balance etc in some cases. A good online source is jigen.net - e.g., 常の漢字情報 - 漢字構成、成り立ち、読み方、書体など|漢字辞典. I can also highly recommend this physical 字源 dictionary. For English language resources the Anroid app Kanji Study is absolutely excellent - probably the best kanji related app in English or Japanese. It may be worth putting the Wanikani link and/or jigen.net link in each post on top of the Jisho link (although already doing daily posts is probably annoying enough that you don’t want to add more work to it 笑).

As far as orders go, the Kodansha Kanji Learner’s Course order is probably the best order for non-natives to learn how to write, in my opinion. The the other obvious option is the Japanese school order, at least up to the end of 教育漢字. Either of those will build up a strong sense of stroke order after the first five hundred or so kanji. However, honestly learning to write can quite boring quite fast so just doing whatever takes your fancy on a given day is probably for the best. Given that you are doing Wanikani you probably wanna stick with kanji you have studied from their order anyway, I would imagine.

Anyway, good luck and keep it up. I am silently reading this thread most days.


2023年11月30日 「木」

Kun: ねこ
On: ビョウ
Jisho Page and WaniKani Page

メモ:My favorite animal! I might start doing a bunch of animal Kanji for the next couple days, it’d probably good to know.

Thank you for the useful resources! I’ll be sure to check some of these out when I have time, the daily Kanji has been getting later and later (oops!) and I need to reset the schedule on them. Thank you for reading!


What about this one? :wink:


This one is kind of fun and fairly easy to do.


2023年12月1日 「金」

Kun: とり
On: チョウ
Jisho Page and WaniKani Page

メモ:May have to revisit this one at a later date for more practice. Lots of horizontal lines to fit in a vertical space, but I think some of them came out readable.

Looks like a good one to try out, Neon_Kitsune :wink:

I was just talking about 糸 over on matt_in_mito’s Thread, looks like I got a couple characters to work on over the next couple days!


Nice work! First then , man you are bold! How about or ?

BTW, I do love , it’s like a little tale in a kanji.


2023年12月2日 「土」

Kun: きつね
On: コ
Jisho Page and WaniKani Page

メモ:Suggested by our wonderful friend Neon_Kitsune, this was a pretty fun Kanji. It took me a while to get it down, and I would often forget the 8th stroke and have to add it back later, but I like how it turned out. Some of them look really good, and I can definitely tell when I slow down and properly write them out, they look a lot better. Working on the left hand side, it may also improve how I write 猫 in the future. Thank you for the suggestion!

I had no idea that going after these Kanji was such a bold choice, but I can tell from the two you sent me that I’m just getting started. I might have to warm up a bit more before I tackle those two, but I’m sure I’ll get to them soon! Thank you for the suggestions!


I must say that between your thread and matt_in_mito’s thread, I will have to start my own kanji writing practice again. I have a few Campus notebooks with the squares in them for practice and I was doing well for a while, but then stopped for no reason. I have the notebooks, so I should fill them up.


I thought it would be cool to do a compilation of past kanji after 1~2 weeks or so, could work nicely as a review, if you space it right. Also seeing the total amount of kanji you can write growing in volume seems pretty encouraging I think


2023年12月3日 「日」

Kun: とら
On: コ
Jisho Page and WaniKani Page

メモ:I’d like to thank my lovely friend Liz for supplying me with today’s Kanji, this one was a relatively simple but fun one to write out, and sticks with the animal-based theme I’ve been keeping over the past few days. I’m planning on doing a few more animal-based Kanji and then switching back over to a couple of the recommended Kanji from previous comments. Thank you all for the support!

Great idea! It’s nice if you game-ify it as well, makes learning Kanji a lot more fun, and it doesn’t feel like learning. Feel free to follow along with me or matt_in_mito if you feel so inclined!

This is a really cool idea! I might start it up rotating bi-weekly on Saturdays (if I remember, that is!) Thank you for the input!



2023年12月4日 「月」

Kun: たつ、いせ
On: リュウ、リョウ、ロウ
Jisho Page and WaniKani Page

メモ:After Tiger comes…? Dragon! Great rivals, or potential lovers? Depends on your taste in Anime, I guess. This was a pretty simple one to write out, but I still had fun with it. Technically not an animal, but I think it counts.



Kun: おおかみ
On: ロウ
Jisho Page and WaniKani Page

メモ:Another 10 stroke Kanji, this one was about as easy as 猫 was. I don’t have too much to say about this one. Wolves are cute?


Nice work, as usual.
I noticed you’ve been writing a lot of 獣編, so I thought I’d share with you something I learned at my calligraphy class to make 獣編 look super beautiful. I know you’re not attempting to write in any specific style, but have a go at this if you fancy!



Kun: くま
On: ユウ
Jisho Page and WaniKani Page

メモ:I think this is going to be my last animal for a while. At 14 strokes, this one was a nice challenge, especially with having to space out all the individual radicals. One of my coworkers who speaks Mandarin Chinese actually complemented me on my handwriting, which definitely motivated me to keep this up. Tomorrow I plan on doing some more requests.

Thank you for the guide! Every day I do a new Kanji, I go back and redraw some of the ones from previous days. I used this technique when redrawing 狐、猫、and 狼、And they came out looking really nice. I’ll try to keep this in mind going forward!


Nice work! As a last-minute request on animals, would you consider doing ‘’?



Kun: さる
On: エン
Jisho Page and WaniKani Page

メモ:@Pablunpro Thank you for the suggestion! I haven’t seen this Kanji used very often, but it was a fun one to do along with the rest of the animals I’ve written out.

I didn’t feel too good yesterday, so we’re resuming the Daily Stroke Order Practice today!



Kun: まゆ、きぬ
On: ケン
Jisho Page

メモ:Thank you @CursedKitsune for the suggestion! My hand hurt by the end of writing these, but I did like this Kanji. Cocoon is literally a head, made up of a bug and thread, hanging underneath a flower. What a neat character!

And now, as it is Saturday, let me introduce to everyone, The Bi-Weekly Review!

Personally, I made sure to go back and rewrite every Kanji I’ve learned since starting this daily practice, but to make things interesting for everyone reading along, I made a little Review Quiz! Not only does it strengthen my knowledge by having to make questions to quiz others, but it can be a bit of helpful review to those reading.

Below is the image of the test, after which I will write out the question prompts. Feel free to give it a shot!

Q1: Please match the following Kanji to their English Definition/Reading. (formatting A1, B2, etc.)

Q2: Which of the following Kanji is written incorrectly?
Left to Right: A: Usual, B: Before, C: Later, D: Fox, E: Nose

Q3: Which of the following Kanji share a reading (according to Jisho)?

Q4: Which of the following meanings (according to Jisho) do not belong to the shown Kanji?
Left to Right: A: Drink, B: Suck, C: Smoke, D: Taste

Thank you all for following me along the journey so far! If everyone likes this review, I may continue this format going forward. I will post the image of the completed test tomorrow. If you can’t read my handwriting, I can answer any questions below :slight_smile:


What a nice thread! 本当に本当にお疲れ様です!

Such a nice way to learn, 遊びで勉強するのはきっと楽しいですよね。



Q1: A3, B1, C4, D2, E5
Q2: D, you used the hand radical (扌) instead of the dog radical (犭).
Q3: A and C, they share the 音読み reading ロウ
Q4: D




Kun: つと.める
On: ベン
Jisho Page and WaniKani Page

メモ:Decided to do this one today as I was using it in one of my example sentences. A part of the する verb 勉強する, this Kanji will be important for someone like me who is doing a lot of studying.

I hope everyone enjoyed the little review I made, below are the answers and explanations!

Bi-Weekly Review

Q1: A3, B1, C4, D2, E5.
Q2: D
Q3: A and C
Q4: B and D.

Question 1 is obvious if you remember the definitions and readings of these kanji.
In Question 2, Fox should be written with the Animal Radical (犭), not the Hand Radical (扌)
For Question 3, They share an On reading, ロウ
Finally, in Question 4, I made a mistake when reading the Jisho article and ended up making this a sort-of Trick Question. While 飲 can be used when talking about smoking tobacco, The proper kanji for “Suck” is 吸. 飲 can also be used when talking about taking medicine, and “Taste” should have been “Take”, but the correct kanji for “Taste” is 味.

Thank you to anyone who tried out my Review, hopefully the next one will be even better!