Disabling Vacation Mode does not work


I have enabled vacation mode last week and wanted to disable it today. At first the website behaved kinda strange: Clicking the button did after some loading showed the vacation mode as off but the text saying it is on did not disapear and after reloading the page showed the vacation mode as enabled again. I tried multiple times to disable it. In the end it looked like it worked, but then I got no more reviews even though the vacation mode was off. After enabling it again I am again not able to disable it.

Does someone else have similar issues?

Yes. When I tried to restart after a month of vacation mode, I didn’t get any reviews for a few weeks. Everything is back ( I think): fortunately, there are lots of ways to keep studying…

Same thing is happening to me right now

I had like 80 reviews piled up, then I turned on vacation mode for a week, and when I turned it off, all those 80 reviews are gone and it seems like far far fewer reviews are coming in daily than how many I was getting before I turned on vacation mode! Feels very strange to me too!

Curiously I seem to have the opposite unexpected error - after turning off vacation mode, I have significantly more reviews than I remember having when I turned it on. In other words, items kept progressing instead of being paused on vacation mode as expected.


I also had that kinda happen to me. When I tried disabling the vacation mode at first, it would not let me disable it completely, i.e, the buttons were still missing and the settings page showed it as enabled. However, the counter on the top showed about 100 available reviews (I had no outstanding reviews when enabling it and I am currently doing less than 100 reviews per day). The actual number changed somewhat every time I tried to disable it.

But the feature looks completely broken.

The request that should disable it / gets send when I press the disable button is a post request to https://bunpro.jp/settings/update with following content:

utf8=%E2%9C%93&_method=patch&authenticity_token=[removed by me]&vacation_mode=Off&user%5Bvacation_mode%5D=Off

This request is answered with a 503 status code.


I’ll be that guy and drop an @veritas_nz as someone who I know has helped me with past bugs, maybe they can re-direct and/or bring in the right Bunpro teammate as needed (and/or tell me not to pull the @ cord unless it’s an emergency :upside_down_face: )

@mmzero1 This one has gone under the radar a little bit so I don’t mind in this instance!
Created a ticket internally for it. Will investigate :ok_hand:


Thanks for looking into it, I’m fine if I have to do 200+ reviews because of a bug this time around, as long as things are sorted before I (and others) want to use the Vacation Mode feature again :+1:

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I’ve also noticed this. It’s kind of relaxing but I have found that my ghosts aren’t showing up in the review queue.

Same with me. The only ghosts that bubble up are the new ones…

Hey there, what’s the latest on this? :crossed_fingers:

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If you could send me a message with when you started and ended vacation mode, I can adjust your reviews.

I’d also like to know updates about this. Same thing happened to me, and I’m afraid to use vacation mode anymore. My reviews are out of sync, I lost my study streak, and my new reviews are starting to pile up. I have three pending support tickets dating as far back as over a month ago and haven’t heard anything from anyone.


I am still not able to disable the vacation mode using the website.
It would be very nice if you could also look into fixing my reviews (and the vacation mode activation itself) manually.
I started my vacation mode on August 22th and tried to disable it unsuccessfully on August 29th. I am still in vacation mode today.


Hi all,

Semi-unrelated, just want to note I have fixed an issue where the Review counts in the Dashboard and header navbar were showing as non-zero.

This has been remedied so now if you are in Vacation Mode, they will always show as zero.


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We have looked into this pretty extensively and aren’t able to replicate the issue.

The only other two questions I can think to ask are:

  1. Did you activate the vacation mode via the website or the mobile app?
  2. Did you do any reviews during vacation mode?

If anyone would like their reviews adjusted just send me a DM with your vacation mode period and I can adjust your review queue.

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  1. website
  2. possibly tried. I don’t remember.

If clearing out my ghosts will solve my issue, please go ahead. My last vacation mode was about May 7 to June 13 ??.

Thanks very much.

Thanks for taking care of this and pointing it out! I’d say this is potentially related and/or causing confusion by making it appear as if Vacation Mode isn’t working as designed/intended when it actually is.

Eliminating a potential confounding factor is a win! Thanks again :pray:

Appreciate the efforts to look into the issue and totally understand not throwing more resources at it when it’s not reproducible. Will come back here if Vacation Mode seems to act up again in the future.

I’m gonna use the grind as a new UI-learning opportunity :sweat_smile: Cheers!

  1. I have enabled it on the website using Firefox on a Windows PC. I first tried disabling it on the same machine, one of the multiple tries was “successful”, i.e. the vacation mode was disabled but I did not get any reviews, I then tried to turn it off and on again using the website with Safari on iOS which did not succeed, later I tried it again on my PC, also without success.
  2. No

I don’t know if that’s possible but could you try to disable the vacation mode as if it were me? Best case would be that it works, worst case that you have replicated the problem.