よつばと discussion (Beginner) April 2024

If I’m not mistaken, you will find a new instance of this in page 105, bottom frame, along with the usage of the たものだ grammar.

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I liked this frame (page 104) quite much,

I helped me see ‘in the wild’ the use of the casual expressions: だって~なんだ as a pair, and なんか to refer to things despised. 言うまでもない, as few particles as possible, of course. :sweat_smile:


FInished chapter 2 myself now. <3


Asher, I think it would absolutely wonderful if we had decks for all of the beginning manga that were more in depth like this. As I am just starting getting into the N4 grammar, reading is a pretty big stretch, so it would be nice to have these decks that can help me know when I am ready (or at least close to ready) to tackle my first books. For me (and I would think other beginners) it sets some very reachable goals early on.


We’re planning on making decks for quite a few beginner manga, especially if it can encourage things like book clubs or people starting to read earlier.:blush:


This book club is what got me to start engaging with native material way before I was planning to, and showed me that I was capable (in huge part thanks to the community), and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.


@Asher That sounds great! I was trying to quote and respond to your question above, but apparently didn’t know how to properly do that. Glad to hear it is going to happen!

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Started late but just read through Ch 1. I wanted to thank everyone for all of the questions and answers that were already posted! Also, huge thanks for putting an entire deck together for the manga! Super helpful!

Having these manga discussions helps push me to tackle series entirely in Japanese and stay accountable. I’m looking forward to catching up :smiley:

Also that chase scene had my dying lol


This is majorly helpful thank you! Of course there are particle debates happening haha, nothing can ever be truly straightforward in language learning :joy:


Today has been very LOW motivation for all my studying, so I’ve just quickly gone through the pages for today. Fortunately, I don’t think any of the dialogue in these pages was really problematic hehe.

For my future reference, I want to think about でかけてていないわよ a little more when I’ve got the brain capacity.


I finished chapter 1 and got up to page 100 today. I felt just after the scene with Asagi was a good place to stop. I loved the revisit of the doorbell joke. I also like the contrast between how absolutely polite Fuuka is versus how Yotsuba talks like the protagonist of a shounen anime.

Lots of vocab lookups today, but so far nothing I couldn’t figure out on my own. I think.
It’ll be interesting to revisit this volume once I finish the vocab deck.


Did another few pages today again. <3
Yotsuba is just hilarious.


Did my reading for today. I stopped right after the doorbell scene. I could have probably have read more today but decided to stop for now.


I’ve been thinking about this one as well for some time, this is my guess, so please correct me if I’m wrong. My guess is 出かけてて is shortened て form of 出かけている, and the last て is used as ‘and’ to link to いない. So the literal translation would be something like “Is out right now and not here” I know it sounds a bit weird.


I think you’re exactly right! So to write it out without the contractions, it would look something like 「出かけていて、いないわよ」. I really could not wrap my head around this for whatever reason lol so I read through a lot of things.

Sources I looked at

italki - Please help me understand 「今出かけてていないわよ」 今出かけてていないわよ。 I understand the meaning is that someone is out

この人今出かけてていないわよ. 出かける is 出かけて in the "te" form, but i don't get the other て after it. I suppose わよ are 2 particles which only emphasize. And the phrase seems to mean "this person isn't out", while it means the opposite. | HiNative

word usage - Book error: パパは銀行に出かけていていないよ - Japanese Language Stack Exchange

「待って」和「待ってて」的差別 — 時雨の町|日文學習園地

In case anyone has similar struggles haha. Consequentially, I also ended up with a better understanding of what’s happing with 待ってて


Other than having to look up vocab, I actually think I didn’t have any questions from this section! Feels great :muscle:

Asagi raising yotsuba up to the AC reminded me of that tiktok series of the girl showing her cat stuff it’s never seen before lol



Just finished chapter 3. I saw two ているの as てんの in pages 108 and 110. Also, lots of っ (e.g. こち, とても,…). Boy, was Tae Kim right! This might come in handy for future reference.

We’ll see what the situations are with the テレビ in the next chapter.



I finally finished the second chapter.

Is this a double entry in the deck ? (Deck which is really usefull by the way)

Thansk for the previous questions and answer!
Here are some more :

Page 67
  • そうとしておこう ? What does that means ?
Page 70
  • の綺麗じゃない方だ => The question has already been asked, but with not answer so far I believe, why there is a の at the beginning ?
Page 87
  • 格好悪い => how to translate this exactly ?
  • えーいやそのーなんてゆーか => didn’t understood the last part “なんてゆーか”
Page 88
  • テキトーななぐさめ => not convincing consolation ?

Thanks !


Just checking in to say I’ve finished today’s reading. See all you fine folks tomorrow


そうとしておこう ? What does that means ?

That is そっとしておこう which means to leave something alone: そっと – Vocabulary details – jpdb

の綺麗じゃない方だ => The question has already been asked, but with not answer so far I believe, why there is a の at the beginning ?

I’ll bite. I believe that の connects to the previous bubble, resulting in あ!おとなりさんのきれいじゃない方だ. Because there’s at least 3 おとなりさん in that family, so she specified which one it is. I thought it’s written like that for comedic effect - separating it into two bubbles on separate frames creates a funny pause that is typical to Japanese humour, I think. Works well in anime. I couldn’t be bothered to look any further into it so maybe someone else can correct me.

格好悪い => how to translate this exactly ?

Uncool. Lame. Etc. It’s the antonym of 格好いい.

えーいやそのーなんてゆーか => didn’t understood the last part “なんてゆーか”

It’s this, but said sloppily: なんというか – Vocabulary details – jpdb

テキトーななぐさめ => not convincing consolation ?

Pretty much yes. I like to translate 適当な as sloppy. He just said an extremely generic consolation cause he didn’t know what else to say, as indicated on page 87.

Hope that makes sense.


Thanks a lot for your answer !
That is much clearer now.
I feel a bit dumb to not have made the link between 格好いい and 格好悪い…


Today’s pages were very funny, I was really enjoying myself.

Yotsuba’s face at 地球温暖化 was my exact reaction reading that too LOL.

It’s hard to be a yotsuba - first you discover the magic of AC and the next the doomsday that is global warming :joy:


This is my first time encountering the sentence ending もん (or もの). From what I could find, there seems to be a variety of usages. The first explanation I found was https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/2tktvm/what_does_もん_mean_as_a_sentence_final_particle/
seeming to express a complaint. That doesn’t seem right for the context though.

More appropriately, grammar - Meaning of sentence ending もん - Japanese Language Stack Exchange, this seems to fit the context of the scene much better. An emphatic, but level-headed explanation.

トーちゃん’s usage of the もん a couple pages later might be the first explanation though… Much to think about :thinking:

ようにする being used here is a nice native example of this grammar point. I often have trouble remembering the nuances/rules of the よう subset of grammar.