よつばと discussion (Beginner) April 2024


Just finished chapter 4.

Isn’t デカのジャンボ something!? 未確認飛行物体発見!! Then, in page 134, first his request and then his riposte to the mother. :giraffe:

I have a question about page 139, when the 少女 風香 throws salt at Abbott and Costello. What does that mean?

I’ve understood it as ‘Let’s get a car’ or, more literally, ‘I will get (myself) a car’.

ガオー! Let’s go shopping now!


I thought she’s banishing those 2 evil spirits. Not sure where exactly I got that impression from though


I looked up salt throwing superstitions in japan and it seems there are quite a few rituals to do with spirit banishing and whatnot that involve salt throwing. I’d be surprised if that wasn’t the reference here hehe.


Really nothing of note in these pages! Easy reading this time around :sunglasses:


Just a quick check-in to say I’m behind again. I spent my weekend dealing with teething and daycare germs. I haven’t had a chance to do much reading since last time , so I’m still at page 130 in chapter 4.

At least there’s a good chance that by the time I get caught up again, all the questions I had would have already been asked and answered by someone else.


Hey, still lagging behind, finished chapter 3 this week end and beginning chapter 4. Almost all of my questions have been answered, just one left !

Page 94
  • コラーツ => Does it have a signification on its own, or is it just the sound of the device ?



I got to the end of my five pages today but could tell よつば was about to do something crazy, so I had to peek. Not disappointed.


We’ve made it to chapter 5! Always a little discombombulating to pick up teaching at the start of the week, but I’m back on track.


The only thing I had a little trouble with was 置いてくる and 置いてく but I took a little look in the dictionary and it squared things out.

For others getting here, 置いてく is apparently a shortening of 置いて行く which tracks but my brain didn’t process it til I looked it up and someone explained it ;_:




So far so good. I have the following doubt:

page 148, upper section, left-hand frame

When トーちゃん says ‘そーそー、お店の出る所だ’, is he saying that the shop is about to open (る所だ))? Wouldn’t お店出る所だ be more proper?

With so much meanings for the verb でる I’m a little bit at a loss what 店の出る would actually mean.

BTW, I found this expression 出る所に出る, meaning to go wherever one has to go (to get a matter settled).

my take on it

Not exactly. In this case 所 is not the grammar “about to X”, it’s just the noun “place”.

He is saying “That’s the place where the stalls are being set up (appear, come out, are on display)”, meaning during an actual festival. Which Yotsuba immediately misunderstands as the stalls and a festival being there right now, but that’s not what he said.

And indeed, normally this would be お店出る所だ, with 出る being an intransitive verb that お店 perform. But が to の substitution strikes again.
I actually don’t know how normal/informal/unusual this substitution sounds in such a short sentence. But I’d guess it’s completely normal in everyday speech.


Thank you very much! It makes much more sense.

I made the assumption that was the shop where they’re heading to and built up from there. Classical false premise fallacy. :sweat_smile:



Done shopping, going to eat some ramen now!


Just a question to check my understanding:

page 151, lower section, left-hand frame

When トーちゃん says ‘なんて初めて見たよ’, he is saying ‘It’s the first time I’ve seen such a thing!!’ with the such implying things like ‘what were you thinking’ or ‘I really can’t believe it’? It would be this なんて then.


Yotsuba truly is such a lil menace haha, very brave of トーちゃん to take her out in public.


The one thing I had to do a lil unpacking on was what pablunpro just mentioned above, just to add an extra detail for that is the なんて grammar point is in the yotsuba vocab deck as well :3


I was able to push over the last few days and finished chapter 4! Great stuff in the second half with the Ayase family each meeting Jumbo. I especially appreciated the meeting with the mother, since “I’m part giraffe on my father’s side” is definitely something the taller members of my family would say.


I realize this is coming way after the fact (as I’m still way behind), but I wound up diving deep on this while catching up. I somehow missed some of the followup, so I’m definitely restating what other people have said already, but hopefully the breakdown is helpful to someone at some point.

The usage of のに here is a straightforward application of the grammar point のに (JLPT N4) | Bunpro, OP just missed a stealth clause-breaking particle hidden within “ちゃ”, so they were mis-parsing the sentence and winding up with a translation that doesn’t make sense, like this:

あれは / that (the button, and the topic)
用もないのに / despite having no purpose
押しちゃだめ / it’s bad to push
“Despite lacking a reason, pushing it is bad”

Remember, though, “ちゃ” is a casual way of saying ては (per てはいけない (JLPT N5) | Bunpro). Imagine it re-written like this:


Now it’s more like:

あれは / (Doorbells + topic marking particle)
用もないのに押しては / Pushing without a purpose
だめ / is bad (you must not)
“You mustn’t ring doorbells for no reason.”
(Interpreting the verb “push” as “ring” for this context.)

The one part I was a little fuzzy on is the “なの” at the end of the sentence. However, I was able to find a reference to it in Bunpro vocab (なの (JLPT N1) | Bunpro) and in Jisho, it’s translated as a colloquial, female-speaker, sentence-ending phrase for asserting things.





Ate some ramen and a freebie egg on top of that! (Funnily enough, I got the kanji in my practice today.)

page 162, top section, left-hand frame

When it says ‘おまけーたまごがでてきてさーたいへーん’, does it mean that it was great that the freebie turned up to be an egg? I assume that this たいへん is the second meaning of 大変?

page 163, bottom frame

When よつば says ‘よーいどん!’, is it like saying ‘ready, set, GO!!’?

I like the way the speech bubble reflects トーちゃん is exhausted in page 164, bottom frame. I really like pages 166 through 168… ぜんぶ?ぐり :sweat_smile:


A vocab deck note: よけ isn’t in the deck :3


なんだこれ なんだこれ なんだこれ is me trying to buy time in all of my oral exams in college lol.

And it’s official, よつば is a bird.


Got up to p149 today over lunch. Other than vocab words, no questions that haven’t already been asked.

One thing I noticed about the vocab deck I can’t remember if anyone else has mentioned yet: It has " わん", but based on the words before and after vs their place in the chapter, I think it should be “ワン”, since this is the bit about the dog.


I haven’t been able to keep to the 5 pages per day pace this week, but I just powered through all of chapter 5 and it went pretty smoothly. So far this is just the right level of difficulty, where I can parse most of the grammar and the dialog on my own while also learning 10-20 useful new words and expressions per chapter.


As a result of procrastinating yesterday… I may have blown straight through the rest of ch. 5 :sweat_smile: I got to pg. 179 today, and I honestly don’t have much to say other than that I’m very grateful for this book club and the resource bunpro provides with the deck.

It really is so much easier now going through this, but the process is heavily front-loaded with learning a lot of new stuff and that’s hard to do on your own!

A thought I had the other day about the decks page was, it may be beneficial to have subfolders there to prevent things from getting cluttered. If say, a new deck is added for each iteration of the bookclub, eventually there’s gonna be a lot of disparate decks. It might be nice to have like ‘Beginner book club’, ‘intermediate book club’ folders.