よつばと discussion (Beginner) April 2024


Just finished chapter 6.
よつばは頭がいいよね! アイスクリームは本当にトーちゃんと分けてくれるだろう… :thinking: BTW, I found quite useful ‘ずるいぞ!!’ in page 169, bottom frame.

Let’s go now catch some cicadas (セミ)!
In preparation, I’ve seen that the kanji for this insect is and that the sound they make is みんみん. I’ve also seen that the とり from the title doesn’t come from 取る but from 捕る, which shares the same kanji with つかまえる.



Just finished up to the end of the department store scene on page 160.


Almost done with the fifth chapter. I only got two questions right now, both on page 154:

  • ひぎつ / I really couldnt find anything to that? Is that just a sound he makes?
  • これは乗っちゃだめ - I know the meaning of that sentence but just to be clear, the ちゃ-part refers to the casual ~てはいけない form, right?


I wondered the same and looked around a bit. The only useful reference I could find is this, an expression of surprise. The ‘あぶなかった’ (and よつば’s eyes) in the following frame would corroborate this.

Indeed it is, as you can see in the related grammar: “However, to make this more casual, ては is often changed to ちゃ (ては becomes ちゃ), or じゃ (では becomes じゃ), as this is easier to say”.


Hello! Just looking for a confirmation on pg 162 about ‘おまけもらったしな’ Is しな the conjuction-particle し for listing reasons and the sentence-ending particle な?

Thank you!



Yes, I think so. It would be like トーちゃん saying And you (even) got yourself a freebie egg!’ like another reason next to the meal being delicious for よつば to be so happy.

You will see some more of this grammar...

…in page 175 in the next chapter.



Hello helloooo

It’s a bit early in the year for cicadas but maybe we’ll learn some good catching techniques from yotsuba here :laughing:


On pg. 180 when ジャンボ says 「略してセミプロだ」the structure of this sentence is confusing me a bit. I get that he’s saying that he’s good at catching cicadas but some details are giving me doubts about what’s what here.

In the deck it has the entry セミプロ as semipro which I’m nearly certain is not what’s happening here, but my followup question is then… why is that where セミ goes in the sentence? Like, what nuance of the て form is being used here? My best guess is it’s the reasons and causes but syntactically it’s still not parsing for me.

“Because I capture, I am a cicada pro” ?


Well, in 「略してセミプロだ」, 略して is an expression meaning “in short” or “abbreviated”, right. So キリンさん is just saying “… abbreviated - Cicada Pro”.

You can see this 略 for example in this wiki article related to Super Cub book club: 「ママチャリ="ママチャリンコ"の略」 - シティサイクル - Wikipedia

It’s a little difficult to extract て out of set expressions, but I guess we can think of it as this usage: Verb[て]・Noun[で] + B (JLPT N4) | Bunpro so something like “by abbreviating, I am Cicada Pro”. This is somewhat analogous to て in によると - によって.

I hope I am not misunderstanding what you were saying/asking? Hope this helps!


This is perfect! thank you! If it’s a set expression then that is plenty of explanation to me by itself. I ended up confusing myself because the jisho entry for 略する has a secondary meaning of ‘to capture’ and I didn’t even think to look up an entry for 略して by itself :sweat_smile:

Which, side note, alongside the wrong entry for セミプロ would be good changes to make to the vocab deck hehe.


That’s a small ッ, so it’s “コラーッ”, an exaggerated/drawn out こら (JLPT N1) | Bunpro. (It’s アサギ yelling “Hey!” back through the intercom.)


I just got up to this part (phew). I couldn’t understand it… despite the “let’s get / I’ll get” translation seeming straightforward, it seemed like a non sequitur. Even after I turned the page and read his next line, I was just puzzled. Until I opened my mind to the full extent of how brazen a joke was going on. Then I laughed out loud! So true, Jumbo and Yotsuba are two peas in a pod.

So just to make this explicit for any subsequent readers:

Jumbo’s「車もらおう/車ください」lines pg. 133-134

とーちゃん has just explained that his neighbors are giving him a TV. So Jumbo says (using simple volitional Verb[よう] (JLPT N4) | Bunpro)

ok, I’ll get a car — as in “oh, they’re giving away free stuff? I’ll take a car then!”

Which is why 風香 says

not giving that — as in “yeah… no.

Followed by Jumbo in the next panel

I’d like a car, ma’am.

Thanks for the earlier posts that helped me see the obvious. :stuck_out_tongue:


Just finished up ch 5. This has been really helpful to go through this and see everyone’s questions! I’m feeling a lot more confident the more I read :smiley:


Today’s section was a bit tough! I’ve noticed whenever ジャンボ is talking I tend to have the most trouble. Him and ふうか can be troublesome. We continue our cicada catching journey :muscle:


First, poor Yotsuba! She got jealous and couldn’t even catch one herself :sob:

187 was the real time consumer here.

In the first speech bubble, noticeable thoughts were からbeing used in, like, the exact way I would expect it to be used in English "Hide the net /from/ the cicadas’

It took me a second to realize he was referring to the cicada’s when he called them やつら

I’m extrapolating a bit on details here, but I’m making the assumption that in the phrase ’なきやんだら’ , やむ is being used like おわる in this grammar point

Those were my grammar concerns, had to look up some vocab too but otherwise that’s all for me hehe.


Yep. 泣き止む means ‘to stop crying’
Btw you’ll often see tons of verb combinations with other random verbs in the masu stem like this. You can either look them up on jisho.org or eventually just guess their meanings over experience


Heh. Still catching up, and since I have been learning the よつまと!deck, I noticed this: 格好つける | Bunpro




Just started the Cicada Hunt!

Right in the first page (174), I was really shocked by the mother using the adjective くそ暑い. As per Jisho, it is indeed related to 糞. (Actually, I felt a bit at home; this is something we would say in Spain when we are reeeally fed up of hot days, ¡calor de mierda!)

I like very much the inner reference to chapter 3 (地球温暖化) in the upper section of page 175. Also, as commented before, the use of for giving reasons. And the use of らしい for a typical summer day.

In page 176, upper section, left-hand frame, the mother uses three particles in a row!: わよね.

よつばがおしえてやる. なんとかしろ!!


Just finished chapter 5!


A couple vocab that were tough here but nothing too crazy! We stay cicada-ing :sunglasses:


Sometimes, I feel like I couldn’t possibly find any more words for small in Japanese… and then ちっこい shows up :joy:

Felt very good about 必殺技 cause I’ve pretty recently learned the second two kanji on wk and was able to sus out the meaning w/o looking it up hehe

As a side note… I didn’t realize there were so many species of cicada, especially not that you could just find laying around at a single shrine :thinking:


Read the first half of chapter 6 today. Cicada hunting is looking fun so far!
About the comments here regarding the セミプロ line and the corresponding deck entry: isn’t this actually the joke here, i.e. that the term “semi-pro” could be interpreted as “Cicada pro”?


and theres some other words for small apart from that one too xD. It’s neverending.