よつばと discussion (Beginner) April 2024

Finished ch 6! Not much more to go! Even though I’ve had to look up all sorts of things, I’ve really enjoyed my time reading. This was my first native-level manga, so I feel pretty accomplished getting this far!



Read up to page 217.

Totally agree, もー!! And 風香 is a dear, いりません!!

Page 214

I always like how あずま refers back to previous chapters, the first one in this case: しっかりして下さいよー.
I was intrigued by the ガボ in the bottom frame, I found this. Meaning number 2 might be of application: 衣類や靴などのサイズが合わず、ゆるい様子.

Page 215

The パンツマーン character made me laugh, as in Spain there is an expression that could be a good translation of that: el tío gallumbos.
Then, またきたなー could be a good rendering of “strikes back”?

Yes, taking this まい into account, he would be saying something like “I don’t want to know which way is up and which way is down”.

Page 217

I like to find grammar in the wild, in this case ないうちに (なんだかわからないうちに, somehow before I knew it…).
Then, わかりやすく言えば… versus よくわからん…. :sweat_smile:


Finished up Vol 1 and loved reading along with everyone! I plan to keep it going into Vol 2. Such a chill and laid back manga that gives me just the right level of challenge. Great call on picking this for the beginner section <3



Finished chapter 7 and volume 1.


I’m done!! I am so happy I made it! Did I have to look up a lot? Yes. Did I miss stuff because my grammar is still weak? Yeah. Do I regret it? No! Not sure when but I’ll probably go through it again, hopefully with less look ups!


I also finished volume 1, it was a lot of fun and I could feel my Japanese comprehension improving throughout. I hope that Bunpro is going to add vocab decks for the next volumes as well, as those were really a huge help (otherwise I might constantly have to type words into Jisho, as well as searching for them on Bunpro to add to my reviews, which feels a little cumbersome…)


お疲れ様でした to all that finished!


Finished up the other day! What a fun and refreshing read. I want to learn to be as 無敵 as Yotsuba one of these days. Looking forward to continuing the series and seeing more of her antics in the future.

I didn’t talk much here myself, but big thanks to everyone who asked and answered questions, and to the staff for organizing the book club. See you all in the next round!


Congrats to everyone!! It feels like such an accomplishment haha.

As an aside, I’ve still been adding the cards from the deck slowly and I ran into this card for Ch. 3, the furigana reads as せわしい which I’m sure is fine as it’s own card but isn’t the いそがしい that is said in the chapter.


Hi everyone,
I finally finished volume 1 today ! I didn’t had as much time I wanted to read, so I catched up this week end by reading the last 3 chapters.
It was the first book I read entirely in Japanese, and I am happy that the book club helped me to achieve this. I didn’t thought I would be able to go through it honestly.
The story was really fun to read, and I find that all the vocab I learned while reading is easier to memorize because of context I suppose. The vocab deck is very very usefull, I think it bring really an advantage for the book clubs on Bunpro. Thanks also to all those who helped with questions and answers !
For now I am more motivated to continue with volume 2, but I might also consider to follow the next book club reading, will see…


See, you did it the smart way — I tried to learn all the items in the deck as I read through and… well, it’s been a lot of reviews. :stuck_out_tongue:

I still have a chapter 7 to do as of today, but for everyone who has already finished, and for everyone who will read through this forum and finish — congratulations!


@Asher building on my last post here (which has gathered some likes), is there a chance that we might get Decks for the other volumes of よつばと? Or will you only offer these for the official book club picks? I understand that creating these decks likely involves a substantial amount of work, so I get if it’s not feasible, but it would certainly be a massive help for continuing with the series.


We’ve already got the second one ready to go and will continue to do the whole set due to its overall popularity in the Japanese learning space in general.

It’s also likely that we’ll make decks for similarly popular titles such as shirokuma cafe etc. :blush: We’d love to build a home where people can discuss with each other about and learn from manga/books/anime all in the one platform, in order to make use of the already great catalog of example sentences we have for tons of vocab/grammar.


Awesome! Thanks a lot! Once the book 2 deck is up, we could maybe post a new chapter schedule in here, for those who want to keep going at the current pace (I suppose we could already start and say that Vol. 2 Chapter 1 is due for this week)


Ideally, we’ll take a one week break between all book clubs, just to give people a break, and to also allow us on the back end to have time to make decks for the winning books etc as well. If people wanna get started asap, that’s totally fine, but there may be some delays in decks etc in future, as the priority will always go to the winner of the latest vote, in order to give everyone a fair chance at their favorite book being chosen.


I fell pretty far behind the group’s pace, but I just wanted to report I’m still plugging away at it and just finished chapter 6!


I took a peak at the progress of the other book clubs: advanced has got a few weeks left and the last chapter for intermediate is scheduled on August.

Does it mean that we will start another book late August?


There will be a new beginner book very soon! The levels don’t need to align with each other. I will actually start the vote for the next book from tonight! So it should be live in a few hours. :bowing_man:


New poll is available to vote on here everyone!

You can select as many options as you want if you have no specific preference and there are a few things that sound interesting to you!

This poll will close at the end of the 7th of June, at which point the winner will have been decided and I’ll make a new thread for our next book :blush:.

Please note that as of right now, it is too late to make new suggestions. However, any suggestions made will go on the candidacy list for the 3rd book. Any books that do not receive at least 15% selection will be removed from the poll next time, in order to prevent an excessive list of options with low popularity.


Will the deck for the next book include the vocabulary in the deck for this one?