よつばと discussion (Beginner) April 2024

No, unfortunately not. Each volume will only consist of vocab from within that volume. However, as all our vocab is linked, any items you’ve already studied will automatically not appear in the second volume.


I actually had the same experience 2 years ago, when i barely even was N5 level. It was at the time still difficult and as you said, the story wasnt that packed with action or meaningful events and basically regreted it to have bought it for 600 円.

Today i found the book in the shelf again and tried it another time. With N3 mostly done, it was not really a challenge for me anymore and i finished the first chapter in around 15 minutes.
And i enjoyed it much more then then when i first tried it.

My guess is that the fast pace makes it up now that its not so thrilling and gives me more content in a shorter time.


One last check-in, finally finished vol 1 just in time to start the next book club!

I’ve read through it once before, but I found it a lot easier this time. If nothing else, my lookups were a lot easier to find and understand. I think I’ll continue on with it once I can get hold of more volumes.


Today, a Japanese person told me my mined card from yotsuba おあがりたまえ should be おあがりください [make yourself at home] from page 76


For full effect you could add 魔界へ


jokes aside

Yotsuba-chan does not exactly speak like a well-mannered adult, so using her expressions might shock some people about as much as using her energy level.


Any chance of releasing the deck for the second volume?

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