Does this harm my learning

When I come across a new verb I am unfamiliar with I usually search it up on jisho so I can see if it is ichidan or Godan since this information is not provided. Does anyone else do this or do you just guess from the hiragana present and just accept if its wrong.


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No need to spend time looking up words when you have an English translation. It’s easy to guess what the unknown word is.

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I use yomichan every time I don’t know if it’s ichidan or godan and I don’t think it hurts my learning.
Sometimes, when I got the right grammar point but was marked wrong only because I thought it was ichidan instead of godan, I even used backspace to cancel my answer and re enter it with the right conjugation.

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I usually leave it as a wrong answer because then I will see a ghost of that verb several times, which will reinforce learning what kind of verb it is.

Your grammar point will get knocked down but that just means you will see it a few more times, which is also not a bad thing.


This link may be of value to you with regards to ichidan, godan, etc. It helps you break things up mentally, at least it did for me. After I watched each video a dozen times it all sort of clicked and I never really thought about it actively after that. You’ll come across some exceptions from time to time that you would think is one way but it’s actually the other, but you can always drill these exceptions by themselves on numerous websites to reinforce it.

Hope this is useful to you!


Thanks for the link ! I love it !

I had no interest in this because I’m on bunpro to learn grammar, not vocabulary but thanks to the link given by @EdBunpro I will now leave it as wrong and use it as an opportunity to master this cheat sheet I found on @EdBunpro’s link

Hahahaha don’t sweat it! I honestly thought/assumed this method (not the website per se) was how everyone learned to conjugate verbs, trying to brute-force memorize which verb is which sounds like so much unnecessary work :sweat_smile:


Here’s a list of some Godan exception verbs to watch out for. No need to memorize it of course. I’ve found that the exceptions eventually stick in my memory with enough practice.

Had to look up what ichidan and godan meant lol

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The translation does not tell me the type of verb it is though…

This is how I do it when I know the verb and kanji but forgot how it conjugates… helps me remember and exposes me to the grammar more so win-win

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I really don’t think it’s a problem to look up the verb. If it ends in いる or える there is no way to reliably tell if it’s ichi or go unless you’ve already learned it, and whether or not you’ve already learned that verb has nothing to do with your understanding of the grammar it’s quizzing you on.