End Of Discount

Maybe they can arrange something for you if you message them directly, like allowing you to extend 1 year more.


man thats a lot of great news for things that are being planned :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Now i just need to figure out where to get the money for lifetime from till mid march with my washing machine just having died :eh: My yearly will last me till around October, but I am assuming that yearly even if there would be a christmas sale is gonna be a bit more expensive than right now with the already active discount, no?
→ So gotta ask: Would my remaining 8 months of yearly be deducted of the lifetime if I got it together till 14th?

If not no problem either but then I am definitely gonna stay on yearly for now :thinking:

Of your other news I am very excited for the kansai and app news in particular. I dont really need vocab srs on bunpro, using other sources and immersion-mining while reading novels for that and if i dont know a bunpro word i look it up and possibly throw it into srs.
At the same time its certainly gonna be useful for some! For me bunpros grammar getting more and more fleshed out, reading section and similar stuff being added is and always will be the main hype :+1:


@wrt7MameLZE33wlmpCAV Contact us and we might be able to sort something out. :wink:

@Terilian Lifetime will stay at $150 even after the end of the discount. Any leftover Yearly subscription you have will be applied as a prorated discount to your Lifetime upgrade!


Ah nice, thanks for the quick response! Gotta consider it then.

Same as wrt i think i will be around for quite some time but imagine in 1-2 years this time will have decreased a lot depending on my progress (which is currently going very nicely). Already spending most time on immersion as of now (while ofc still using WK and Bunpro etc. a lot bc my grammar is far too weak for a super smooth experience).

Would probably also have went for another year immediately if it was possible, as i have the 30$ this month and know I will definitely still be around for 2 years, but lifetime’s a bit hard to say.

Probably just gonna take some time to consider if lifetime is affordable and all :smiley:

Keep up the good work! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: → The lifetime price is reasonable though, not saying otherwise. You make great content and go to great effort to broaden features and implement suggestions and wishes. Very fun and motivating to be here


I’m guessing the new year sale will also be the same, seeing the yearly fee remain the same.


Offline reviews are on the roadmap, but won’t come until a bit later in development.


Conjugation tool would be sweet. I currently use Ultra Handy Japanese Verb Conjugator but having something more reliable and in-house would be fantastic!


How are the N3 grammar explanations coming along, if I may ask?


On track to have them finished by mid April latest, all going well.


Thanks for the update.


Will there be an iOS TestFlight for the new mobile app? @Jake


Yes, it will go into test flight first but since we plan on developing it in house, we will be pushing regular updates and plan to eventually release it fully on both app stores.


Thank you guys for helping me so much over the years! If I’ve missed it forgive me but how much will the new price be??


Thanks Jake!

How can I join the TestFlight group? As a long time user, I’d like to help out and provide feedback.


Monthly will be $5 and yearly will be $50 after the discount ends.

@cosezu We will make an announcement here on the forums when we release it on TestFlight :+1:


I smashed that’s pay button broski… like a boss.

I harassed the WK forums all the way to lvl 60, now I’m here, to probably do the same.

I’m sure though the $3 will be worth it :stuck_out_tongue:

giphy (5)

…I’m sure at some point I’ll be running for my life from the frends here at Bunpro.


Thanks for letting us know in advance… I’ll keep a watchful eye. :eyes:
Just kidding though. (…Or am I?)

Welcome to Bunpro! I hope it proves beneficial to your language studies. Any question you may have feel free to ping me or any other staff members!


You’re not… but that’s okay,

I’m here to help spread Japanese fluency and fire!

giphy (6)

Praise Almighty A-san!

You know… this guy:



My subscription ends March 21st. Any chance to renew it while the prices are still lower? Thanks!

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Contact them directly and I’m pretty sure they will be able to sort out something for your renewal.